Want to be a Top-Manager
Ladys an Gentlemen,
I'd like to introduce myself, maybe some of you may have heard something about me by now and I want you to know that I'm aiming to be a Manager who can make a change in the structures in todays football world!
That where the opening words from todays Press-Conference at the FA-Headquaters. Many of the attending reporters where surprised by todays announcement and from now on lots of rumors will be spread into the world!
But first let us Introduce the Man the whole world is talking about at the moment!
David Beckham - Champions League winner and "Officer of the British Empire"!

David Beckham was a professional football player for the likes of Manchester United, Real Madrid, Los Angeles Galaxy, AC Milan and Paris St. Germain.
He is a highly decorated player as he had won the Barclays Premiere League severel times, the FA Cup, Liga BBVA, Ligue 1 and of course the Champions League just to name a few of his titles!
He also was the Captain of the three Lions and played 115 times at an international level.
He is the Chairman of a new MLS club in Miami which will be in action in a few years, but he wants more!
What he wants he announced on a press-conference earlier today!
Press Conference

Beckham:Ladys an Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce myself, maybe some of you may have heard something about me by now and I want you to know that I'm aiming to be a Manager who can make a change in the structures in todays football world!
I'm David Beckham and will be looking for a club that wants me as there Manager to show you all my abilities as a Manager!
Reporter: Mr.Beckham, that is a hugh announcement and you set yourself a goal which is sky high, don't you think that your goals may be set to high?
No not at all, if i think that i can't be a good Manager i wouldn't even want to manage a kiddies team!
Do you already had some offers coming in your office?
I had one or two offers handed by my agent, but there weren't what I'm looking for and I rejected them, but as I made up my mind about the offers, it was totally clear for me that I want a job as a manger!
Do you have a team in mind which you would prefer? And what will be your approach as a manger, do you like ballpossesd football, balanced football or anything else?
Football is about Goalscoring! If you don't score you can't win! That said my first ever trainer to me and I never forgot that and that will surely be my tactical approach. I want to make every game special for our fans!
That's really good to hear as more and more managers like the ballpossesed style. Eventhough that is a nice approach every Premiere League team has a manager and it doesn't look like one of this teams could sack there managers in the next few months!
Who said, that I want a Premiere League team? I hope to be a manager in a top league, that's for sure, but i can also imagine to build a team and help them to get to the Premiere League. That would be something i like to do!
Are there anymore Questions?
Mr.Beckham almost every club from the BPL and Championship has a squad full of foreign players, what is your thought about that?
As a former Three Lions captain i really need to say something about that! We need to rely on the homegrown, as we have some good talents here in England and we need to let them play, to gain some succes with the national team!