I stop by our local shop and notice that two gentlemen, who look like there in their 40s, keep looking at me. I think nothing of it, naturally, and carry on with the shopping. As I’m scanning my items I also see that the two gentlemen that were looking at me earlier are also in the queue. Without any items. I shrugged it off, it wasn’t my business.
Then I left the shop, got in my car and began to head home, ready to crack open a nice can of lager. But then I noticed it, the men from the shop had followed me out and were walking over to my car. “What the F…” I began to say as one of the men roughly banged on the window of my car, the other stood at the back, with a large metal pipe in his hand.
“Get out of the car!” One of them says, with a thick Russian accent.
“Who the hell are you two?” I ask, matching him tone-for-tone. Apparently they don’t take questions very well as the man at the back used his metal pipe to get rid of my back window.
“I said get out!” He shouts, ragging the door open and pulling me out. I stand to my feet, re-adjusting my sheepskin coat. “You’re Miroslav? Sergei? Yes?” I nodded weakly, not knowing what to expect. “Good.” The man replied, with a smile on his face. “Boris, this is the one.” All of a sudden I feel that large metal pipe hit me on the back of the neck and the rest is nothing but a blur…