Please post your comments regarding the new site skin here, either good or bad. I'll try to cope with all of them.
Known problems
* User Pages are mostly incomplete (especially Control Panel)
* Search box is not following the scrolling of page
* "Download" menu item doesn't remain highlighted when you are 2 subcategories down
* Lightbox is not working for image thumbnails
* Minor bugs with Internet Explorer (e.g. silver buttons)
Great theme and layout
love it :clap
Thanks mate! :beer
There is still a quite large amount of work that needs to be put into this new skin until I'll be totally pleased with it, but I had to release it today because I had made a promise.
I'll be updating the first post of this thread with progress (in case suggestions kick in) and known problems.
I never knew this was happening, bit of a shock. Took me a little bit to find things but I love it. This is the first year I have so desperately wanted an Fm game, I've always wanted one but never desperately, can't wait.
It takes a little while to get used to the new interface I suppose. I've been working on it for some days now and it's already very familiar to me. I firmly believe it's much wiser than its predecessor; better organized with focus on usability and user experience.
looks better than the preview ya showed us
very nice work stam!
next time ya in fm bar, have a drink on me haha
Thanks mate =D
Live is always better than static previews, haha...
Even though such kind words make me happy, I'd really appreciate if you guys have any constructive criticism regarding the new interface; things to alter, things to think about, thinks to add/remove.