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Skins in FM 15.2.0

How to make skins from 15.1 selectable in 15.2
Started on 10 December 2014 by Stam
Latest Reply on 12 December 2014 by Stam
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Stam's avatar Administrators Stam
10 yearsEdited
Skins from 15.1 are not selectable in 15.2. For this to work, skin authors (or users) need to modify and update their skins:

Let's take the "fm dark" skin as an example.

Until FM 15.1, you'd have this inside skins folder:
…\fm dark\fm dark.xml

The new format for 15.2 is now this:
…\fm dark\skin_config.xml

Any folder with the skin_config.xml will be discovered, but there is an extra step required for the skin to work properly.

The folder name of the skin is now defined within the skin_config.xml itself with a line like this:
<string id="skin_name" value="fm dark" />

This value is important as it's used to find a skin, and required to work in FM 15.2.

In 15.2, if a skin is set, and isn't found through the new skin discovery mechanism, it will fall back to the games default skins so any pre-existing 3rd party skin someone may be using would have their skin changed to the default until their 3rd party skin is updated, and can then be re-selected.

Credit: Lucas Weatherby @ SI forums

Instructions for non tech-savvy users

  1. Locate the skin folder here:
    Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2015 > skins >

  2. Inside the skin's folder, locate the XML file with the same name.
    For example if your skin is fm2015flutskin, you will see a file called fm2015flutskin.xml

  3. Rename that file to skin_config.xml and then open it with a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++

  4. Find and copy the following string of code:
    <string id="name" value="FM 2015 Flut Skin" />

  5. Paste it below and change the value of the id tag to be skin_name and also change the value of the value tag to be the folder name of the skin:
    <string id="skin_name" value="fm2015flutskin" />

  6. File > Save and exit the text editor program

If the skins are now selectable but they won't load, try clearing the cache folder inside this folder:
App Data > Roaming > Local > Football Manager 2015 >
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Basic Skin Details

The commands in this file are only used to describe the skin.
Settings should be placed in the file "skins/<skin>/settings/<skin> settings.xml",
where <skin> is the name of the skin.

$DateTime: 2013/10/09 17:09:29 $

<!-- skin name, author etc -->
<string id="name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" />
<string id="author" value="MurChupKampSantArtS8" />
<translation id="description" translation_id="249669" type="use" value="FM15 Community Dark Skin " />
<string id="version" value="15.1.4" />
<flags id="parent" value="fm dark-widgets" />

Minimum game version this skin requires to be valid, and listed as an option in the list of skins .

This is used for two things:
- First of all you can force a sking to only be availble for a minimum minor release (ie patch), in other words
setting the required_version to 7.0.1 makes sure the skin won't be listed if the game is in version 7.0.0.
- Secondly, the first number ("major version") is used to decide which version the skin was designed for,
so if the version is "7.0.0" it won't be listed in the list of skins if the game version is "6.0.0." or "8.0.0",
even though 7 is less than 8.
<string id="required_version" value="15.1.4" />


This is exactly how to look, I could change it and paste on your page. Thank you very much
This isn't working for me :(

Stupid update >:-(
It doesn't work. I get this
corvopoeta's avatar Group corvopoeta
10 yearsEdited
This is not working :(
I've updated the instructions. Instead of changing the string with id="name" to id="skin_name" we keep both strings. First one is needed to show a name for the skins' drop down list on preferences screen and the second is needed to define the folder name of the skin.

Find and copy this:
<string id="name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" />
Paste it in the line below that and modify it like this:
<string id="skin_name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" />

@alcof89 @tasos @corvopoeta:
Please try with the updated instructions as I've just explained above and let me know.

I did exactly as you said as i have use the Flut skin but i still cant select it, also all my graphic add-ons like logo's, kits and facepacks are not showing as well? Any idea on how to fix them?

Try "Clear Cache" and "Reload Skin" buttons on Preferences screen in-game.
Or even try clearing the cache folder here:
App Data > Roaming > Local > Football Manager 2015 > cache
Let me know if that helps. - Does this look right? ive tried what you said but doesnt even show on the drop down menu
ooshosboshe's avatar Group ooshosboshe
10 yearsEdited
2014-12-11 01:01#203322 Stam : @ooshosboshe:
Try "Clear Cache" and "Reload Skin" buttons on Preferences screen in-game.
Or even try clearing the cache folder here:
App Data > Roaming > Local > Football Manager 2015 > cache
Let me know if that helps.


I've fixed it. I did everything you did but where you say to change the config file name to 'skin_config.xml' it wasn't working, but i removed the .xml part from the config name so it was just 'skin_config' and now i can select it and it works fine.

It doesn't work again. The skin is now selectable but when I click confirm my screen gets black and I have to alt+Ctrl+Del to exit the game. I have tried Clear Cache and delete the cache folder too. Never mind, I 'll wait for the update of the skin that will be compatible with the 15.2.0
hi.. 1st great work on getting the skins working again ..
put got them here and when i go to pick my skin it as no name but i can pick it and use it just dont know which one im picking lol
@leoguaje7: Looks correct to me.

@ooshosboshe: Makes sense. The file is already XML, you don't need to add the .xml part again. I mean .xml is a file extension, not a filename. Glad you could sort it out.

@tasos: Can you paste your XML text please?

@dazhey: Did you keep both strings? I mean id="name" and id="skin_name". First one is needed to show a name in the drop down menu and second one is needed to define the folder name of the skin.
@tasos: Your code looks correct. Can you try renaming the folder from "slymlyne sidebar" to "slymlyne_sidebar" (basically use _ instead of space). And do the same inside the XML for the value of skin_name. I want to make sure that the space is not causing the problem.

If that doesn't work again, I have another idea. I see that this skin's parent is "slymlyne". Maybe you haven't applied the XML fix to the parent skin and it's possible that this is causing a black screen.

You are reading "Skins in FM 15.2.0".

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