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Skins in FM 15.2.0

How to make skins from 15.1 selectable in 15.2
Started on 10 December 2014 by Stam
Latest Reply on 12 December 2014 by Stam
  • POSTS21
  • VIEWS27344
@Stam I did exactly what you said and it finally worked!
I used _ instead of space to both folder name and value inside the XML.
And I also did the changes to "slymlyne"
If you add this file to the alavanja folder then Marconni's pro eyegasm will work again
Sorry stam for wrong thread, but I want to ask why my 3d kit disappear too.. after succeeding skin, now I lose my 3dkit, can i show my 3dkit in game ?
Please reply, Thankyou :D
dazhey's avatar Group dazhey
10 yearsEdited
can you post screenshots lol
i can get it working with this ...
<string id="skin_name" value="fm2015flutskin" />
but no drop down name but if i add a name where it says skin_name it dosnt work
GuiseleyFan00's avatar Group GuiseleyFan00
10 yearsEdited
So heres the xml info from the owner..

<!-- skin name, author etc -->
<string id="name" value="Scorpio" />
<string id="author" value="wannachupbrew" />
<translation id="description" type="use" value="Scorpio skin for FM 2015" />
<string id="version" value="1.6" />
<flags id="parent" value="fm dark" />

Here is what i changed in the xml file

<!-- skin name, author etc -->
<string id="name" value="Scorpio" />
<string id="author" value="wannachupbrew" />
<translation id="description" type="use" value="Scorpio skin for FM 2015" />
<string id="verison" value="15.1.4" />
<flags id="parent" value="scorpio" />

I can see it in my perfences but soon as i select it from the drop menu i clear the cashe and then reload skin and it doesnt work
@RoyalPirates: SI are aware of the issue and are looking into it, in the meantime you can either continue on with your games without 3D kits or you can wait for it to be fixed.

@dazhey: Besides this string:
<string id="skin_name" value="fm2015flutskin" />
You also need to keep this one:
<string id="name" value="FM 2015 Flut Skin" />

@GuiseleyFan00: Your changes wouldn't work. Try this:
<string id="name" value="Scorpio" />
<string id="skin_name" value="scorpio" />
<string id="author" value="wannachupbrew" />
<translation id="description" type="use" value="Scorpio skin for FM 2015" />
<string id="version" value="1.6" />
<flags id="parent" value="fm dark" />

You are reading "Skins in FM 15.2.0".

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