Can you make me some kits for my fantasy team please.
The team is Chamonix, based in France, but don't worry about the logo as I can do that, just don't have the time to do the kits atm.
Home colours are white (main) and light blue (trims/arms etc.)
Away can I have red a darker red (like the one used in your first kit) and black please.
Can I have a simplistic, yet modern design please, but nothing that looks plain and basic, if that is okay, and you get what I mean.
Can the kits be manufactured by Nike please.
The Sponsors is slightly different. Can I have Thales Group as the main sponsor, but also have UNICEF, Rhodia and Canal+ on the shirt too.
Also, can I have the Ligue 1 logo on the sleeves please.
If you can please link the psd files instead of just pictures, that would be great, but no worries if that is too much to ask
Thanks so much, sorry for being so specific, I just know what I want

will be looking forward to seeing the end result.