credit to tallery, once again.
Prologue: Ash to Ash / Dust to Dust
It was a hot summer afternoon, as I hanged around my hotel suite. The warm aroma of festivities lounged about in the streets, the kids were on their way back from training camp and the wife and I were relaxing on the comfortable king sized bed together. The TV was on, but it kept us company in the background as we weren't really watching it, we would just sit back and speak to each other softly, she would tell me what troubled her as of late - and I would pretend to listen, somewhat spacing off into my own world, like always... And then it hit us both, urgent news on the news - it was definetly important, so I turned up the volume.
"We're sadden to report shocking news that the Olympique Lyonnais senior squad & staff has recently deceased by a misflight accident that caused the plane to lose control and crash into the Pacific Ocean, we'll have more as these news develope."
I sat there speecheless. How could it be? One of Frances most competitive, and historically rich teams had fallen to such a tragic end - I could do nothing but mourn, as the religious man I was. Praying for their souls, as the wife understood and sat close to me, with an arm over my shoulders. But I did not want to stand back and watch such a great team like Olympique Lyonnais crumble into forgotteness, I knew what I had to do, I too after all was a newly graduated coach; why not me? I felt like it was the right thing to do, maybe it was meant to be destiny.
But what cruel destiny it was...

Next Update: Chapter 1