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Import new Transfer Database into FM2015

How to import new Transfer Database into FM2015 on Mac OS
Started on 2 September 2015 by minopica
Latest Reply on 2 September 2015 by minopica
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS3619
Hi all, I am trying to import the last transfer database into FM2015 (on MacOS). I followed this procedure:
1) Copy or Move the downloaded file "[email protected]" at the following location: Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2015 / editor data
2) Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist. (in my case the folder "editor data" was already present with inside only 1 file called "config.xml".

When I try to start a new career I can't select the database [email protected], I can only select:
- 15.3.0 Update (provided by Sports Interactive)
- default

Can someone help me ?

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