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Trials and Tribulations ...

Just your average journey through FM ...
Started on 24 November 2015 by FormIsntAll
Latest Reply on 18 December 2015 by FormIsntAll
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FormIsntAll's avatar Group FormIsntAll
9 yearsEdited
Hello all, and Welcome to my FM16 'journeyman' story. It's just something I felt that would be fun to do, and indeed, challenge myself within this game, seeing as I'm personally somebody who loves doing lower level/obsecure league management and taking them to the top of Europe and even the world haha.

My writing style for these sorts of stories is usually text-based with certain elements added in to make you feel attached to the characters and whatnot. I'll fill in more details about the manager I'm gonna be using and the story as we go along, but this is basically an introduction post ... something I've never been good at lol. Hope you enjoy it :).

ABOUT THE MANAGER; The character I am using for this save, is based off myself, and as such, I am using my real name and age for this, as well as languages spoken (English, Indonesian, French, Spanish). The character will essentially act like I envision I would, if I were to be a manager. Hope you all enjoy the ride :).
20 June, 2015.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

'I'm gonna do it'

His voice trailing off into the distance, Scotty Adams lays calmly in his bedroom, looking up at his ceiling, and in particular, the light bulb hanging down from its holding place. Just like the light bulb that had just gone off inside of his head, telling him to make a change to his life. Do something, to make it better for himself, and become the man that he always wanted to be. He had dreamt about actively participating in sports ever since he was a young child, and had played football throughout his schooling years at district level, even though knee and back problems had stopped him from really taking it any further.

Well, those and the fact he was usually third or fourth choice as an attacking midfielder/striker and a rotation option at that, meaning he was one of the 'bench warmers' for the most part. His selection in the school squad changing on a week-to-week basis. Never really set in stone. But that was looking back 5, 6, 7 years ago now; right now, he's a 21 year old, with no real direction or purpose in life, at least in his own eyes.

Sure, he has a stable enough job, working 2 days a week down at the church close to his house, doing maintenance work and hanging around with the patrons, and it was something to occupy him, but it had not quenched his thirst. It had not entirely killed his passion; his love for football and well, sports in general.

He spent a lot of his spare time looking up the results of the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and the Danish Superliga among other leagues, as well as watching and attending Hyundai A-League games (in which, he supports the Melbourne Victory), reflecting not just what could have been if he didn't have his knee and back problems, but also would could be ... if he found a way to still influence the footballing world, even if he couldn't do so as a player.

'I have to do this ... there's no choice.'

Almost as if he is trying to convince himself that the thought of entering the world of football in any capacity is not just the right choice, but the only choice, he lets a soft sigh escape from his lips. It had crossed his mind before, to try and dip his toes into either management or any kind of 'behind the scenes' job really, but nothing had really jumped out at him, as if to say 'take me, I am the key you have been searching for', and as such, he had usually pushed it off to the side; allowed it to continue festering. Waiting for the right moment, to force itself back to the forefront of his mind.

That moment, appears to be right now, judging by the fact that Scotty's not just giving it the usual 'meh', but an actual consideration. No, it's not just a thought ... it's more of a plan, than anything else. Whatever one wishes to call it, it's about five steps further than he's ever taken it before, and for him, it's a start. Something to build off of; the first step of the 'ladder to success' that has been spoken about many times before.

'Football has engulfed my life, yet I've never pushed forward ... I've always wallowed in the fact I couldn't ever step out on the field, but now ... the crying is over. The Self-pity is done. I must be the change that I seek, for me. For those, who have guided me'

His words firm yet calm in nature, designed to snuff out any remaining sense of doubt that he may have about taking this step, and entering the football world: not as a player, but as a manager, Scotty knows that if he is to be the mentioned change that he seeks, he must get a foothold soon. Otherwise, the doubts he is trying to brush aside, will win ... they will drag him back to the very bed on which he lays, and leave him to rue what very well could have been. And he doesn't want that.

'This is my shot ... my opportunity. I'm not just gonna throw it away'

As the final word escapes from his lips, Scotty throws his head back onto the pillow, knowing full well, that his life, is about to become a grind ... it's about to become nothing short of a roller-coasted. But he's ready for the ride ... he's ready, to take it all head on, and see where it takes him. This is his opportunity ... he doesn't intend, on letting it go to waste.
27 June, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

The week since making his decision to give the world of football management a shot has been different to most weeks for Scotty. Sure, on the surface, it's just been a typical week; going to work on Wednesday and Sunday as always, and spending the remainder of his time either sitting in front of his computer looking up different football results, or just footballing news in general or playing various video games, but it has also involved him beginning the process of packing his bags and using the time he spends online, to also search around for any various jobs that he can find in the footballing industry.

Well, jobs that he would have a shot at actually acquiring, anyway. No use him putting his name in the hat for a job like the Real Sociedad managerial gig in the Spanish "La Liga" (Liga BBVA), when he knows that he has nowhere near the qualifications or experience required for such a duty.

The same goes for the Blackburn gig in the English Championship. One day, he might have the reputation and credentials for those jobs, but right now, it's a definite no without a second thought. Even Berwick in the Scottish League 2 was too high a standard for him to be aiming for at this time. He hadn't even earnt a National level coaching diploma yet, let alone a qualification that would give him more than just a whimper and being laughed away at a serious job interview request.

Despite that, he did briefly take a look at a few third division Belgian jobs that he might have some kind of a shot at getting at least to the interview table with ... but that wasn't what he wanted. Well, he did want to get to the interview table, but he didn't want to go in, knowing that he was unlikely to be taken as anything more than a young kid, looking for a break.

Which, to an extent, he was, but he wanted to be a serious contender. He wanted them to judge based off the interview alone, not any external factors that might come into play.

'There's never a guarantee, but deep down; I knew not even they would give me a chance'

That was how he replied when his mum asked him why he didn't even consider sending them an application, or at least some kind of 'expression of interest' via e-mail, at least to get his name out there, if nothing else. It would show a little bit of initiative after all, something that never hurt, considering how cut-throat and ruthless the business can be sometimes.

It would show that he had the drive and the passion to grasp at the chances that would come, and maybe ... just maybe, lead to a 'bone' been thrown his way. Honestly though; he was scared. He fears failure, and fears rejection, two results that would have been inevitable in his eyes, if he had of taken the approach his mother stated.

'Sometimes, you have to suffer failure, in order to grow. To succeed ... just like the failure you had kick-starting your playing career'

Those words ate away inside of him, cutting especially deep. Not because they had come from somebody else, but that he had been stating that to himself. Using it as a motivational tool, as he continued enduring the pressure of trying to find the right place for him.

Not just somewhere that he had always wanted to go (like Scandinavia, although he would take a job there in a heart beat. Any job) or if it was local (meaning, still in the state of Victoria, or even still in Australia) or somewhere completely different.

It had to be the absolute right job also, meaning that he wouldn't take a janitorial job, just because nothing else was out there for him to take. Picking up a cigarette and lighting it up, he allows everything to sink in; his mind beginning to flood with both positive and negative thoughts, as he tried to ensure that his head stayed in one place, and didn't explode.

Well, not literally but more in a figurative sense, although at times it felt like his head was going to quite literally, explode. Taking a puff, he allows a slight smirk to cross his face as he blows the smoke out in front of him. Continuing to scroll through certain job listings, he either mumbles 'I wish' or 'meh' to most of them, before making a mental note of others.

Though those are either 'maintenance personnel' or 'assistant groundskeeper' sorts of jobs. Similar to the type of work that he used to do for his high school three years ago, except this time, he'd actually get paid for doing it. Not that he ever minded being a volunteer, but if he was to take that sort of job, he'd at least want to be able to make some kind of living off it ... something even more important if he were to have to travel in order to take those gigs.

'Money isn't everything ... but at the same time, it is what makes the world go around, as the old adage goes'

Making a mental note of that, he decides that it's probably best to leave the financial side of the discussion until later. He needs to actually land the interview first. It's no use over thinking this, as it may not work out the way it's desired. Or even at all. Nevertheless, he knows that the grind, will ultimately be worth it, as it is merely the beginning of his journey. It is the start, that shall lead him down a road that shall open new doors. Gift him experiences, that he could only dream of.

'The beginning, is always the hardest part ...'

Smiling and nodding, Scotty knows that it only gets easier from here. Once he finds that first gig, it's all that he's gonna need to get the wheel in motion and his goals achieved. It's just getting there, that is easier said than it is done.
1 July, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

The days felt as if they were dragging on and on, never coming to an end as Scotty continued to fruitlessly toil, his eyes focused on one thing, and one thing only. That was, putting himself into a position where he would be able to offer at least a presentable interview, should one of his expression of interest e-mails come back with an offer. He wasn't expecting them to, of course; even if they were lower-tier squads in places like Norway, Iceland and Sweden, there would still be more experienced and qualified hands than him peering their eyes at those jobs, and come interview time, that would count for something.

It's not quantifiable in percentage form, but it would definitely count against Scotty, that he didn't have any coaching certificates or experience under his belt, no matter how many "intangibles" like passion, desire or energy that he would bring to the table, in order to "light a spark" under any squad that would see themselves under his charge. He did have a fallback plan though, in the form of throwing his name in the hat for various "maintenance assistant" types of jobs within his local area, as well as in other places around the state.

Whilst not the ideal sort of job, it would at least be something that got him into the world of football, and his name out there if nothing else. And for somebody like Scott, that's a positive step. Heck, even if he were to play for a local team, it would be a positive, as it's at least progression. It's at least experience and as he's been told many times before "experience is the greatest intangible of them all". Sage advice it is, and advice that has been taken to heart.

'We all have to start somewhere ... where that somewhere is, shall be left in the delicate little hands of destiny'

Sighing, Scotty looks back at his computer screen, having seen a notification flash across it, but softly laughs when he realises that it was just correspondence from a friend that he had been chatting with and not a response to his interest, or anything relevant to the world that he was about to enter. Either way, he opens the message and shoots off a rapid fire response, before closing it and going back to the task of awaiting any sort of news whatsoever.

'The waiting game ... I both love and hate it. On one side, it means that surely they're taking me under consideration, but on the other hand ... what if they've merely tossed it aside? What if they've laughed it off, and seen no need to answer it, believing that this is all some kind of twisted joke?'

Thinking out loud, he knows that the nerves have started to creep deep into his mind; they're starting to consume his thoughts. With good reason too, something like this does take a massive toll on both the body and mind. It is one of the reasons that he had to consult deeply with his friend/boss at the church, Alan before taking this step, as an additional layer of reassurance that this was the right route for his career. That it was the only way, that he could consider his dreams to be fulfilled.

Although he had stated to Alan, 'what about if he fails? What if, even should he get a job, he ends up falling flat on his face and his own morale crushed? Would it be worth it?' to which all Alan responded with was 'You fail 100% of the time you don't try', a quotation that may not do much to ease his nerves, but puts it into his mind that no matter what, at least he gave it an attempt.

That's more than a lot of 'armchair experts' can state about their forays into football, because watching it is one thing ... living it, is an entirely different ballgame. Sometimes that many people had learned, the moment they brazenly dabbled into any sort of proper footballing job, and something that has always sat within Scotty's mind.

Unscrewing the lid from his soda before taking a swig, Scott's thoughts change from the lingering fear and doubts that he has about this road, to realising that soon, football will be his life. Just as he had stated many times throughout his schooling years, and even after he graduated, back in 2012.

That excited him, more than anything else. It warmed him up inside, and comforted him that he would soon be the one able to formulate educated opinions on those that he had once merely judged. That he would finally, be able to truthfully state 'I've seen the full picture' when asked for validation of his opinion.

'One should never be judged, until their shoes had been walked in ... until you can experience, what they have experienced'

He admits, he's guilty of breaking that little "rule" that he sets for himself, yet at the same time; he would be walking in the shoes of those he has criticized. Maybe not at the level that they are, but regardless; he would be in the exact same position as them. Open, and vulnerable for the eyes of pundits and fans alike, to judge. He's ready for that; he welcomes it with open arms ... it's part of the life he shall lead.

Apologies for no recent updates if people were reading/enjoying this, but I've been busy with irl stuff and just haven't had the time to write up posts for this. Don't worry tho, I will be continuing this very soon ... :).

8th August, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

It had been over a month since Scott had started his search for a managerial job, or any job really in the world of Football, and most of his attempts had been met by obvious rejection. Some had indicated though, that he had been on the right track in applying, but there were 'bigger' names that ultimately got the nod; thus proving that there was really no substitute, for qualifications and experience. That the adage "give youth a chance", was only truly applied in regards to those on the pitch, not those off it.

It wasn't for a lack of trying on his part though, as he had declared interest and even brazenly applied for three jobs in the past few weeks; Overjise in the Belgian 3rd Division and Lorenskrog in the Norwegian 2nd division, both of which had turned him down. As if to add insult to injury, Overjise had even "laughed off" his interest in the public domain, which had both scarred and steeled him. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, and this had just reinforced that fact; it was basically reminding him, of what he had already informed himself.

"Nothing is ever gonna be a stroll in the park, no matter what they say in fantasies"

His eyes continue to be fixated on his computer screen, with the sound of his television blaring in the background sounding more and more like static. He wasn't interested on what was on right now, not when he had the next portion of his life at stake, for lack of a better way to put it. For it had not only been the Lorenskrog and Overjise jobs he had applied for ... there was also Gute in Sweden. A job, that unlike the other two, had somewhat of an emotional attachment to him.

Not the club itself, but instead Sweden as a country; after all, his friend Jessica, was Swedish; as such, he viewed it not merely as a chance to get his 'toes in the water' so to speak, but also as a chance to connect further with her. They had a decent knowledge of one another from multiple online interactions, but he knew better than most: online can be very different from reality, for people use the online world, as a mask to disguise themselves, hide themselves from the struggles that hindered their every day life. Something that he himself, is more than guilty of doing.

It caused him to be both nervous and excited for the proposition of eventually meeting her, should he be required to relocate to Sweden, but for that to occur; he would need to get the Gute job. A job, that could very well elude him, just like the Overjise and Lorenskrog jobs had, among others. And it would be a byproduct of that job; he wasn't applying for the job to be able to meet Jessica, he would be meeting her in person, as a result of actually getting the job. The managerial role would come first, or at least be equal first with her, should he become manager.

"Hope for the best, but expect the worst" he had told himself, after sending through the application, as that was the only mentality he had. Although he would be ecstatic if they were to respond in a positive manner, he most definitely wasn't expecting that to be the result. In fact, he had taken it as a victory when he heard that they were actually going to consider his application.

At the very least, it was a step further than he had gotten any other time, and gave him hope that he would be able to then take the next step; find himself in an interview with their board. He knew that thinking about that, would be getting a little bit ahead of himself, but at the same time, he really couldn't blame himself for doing so.

He was in with a shot at achieving a dream of his, and any reasonable person would more than likely allow their emotion to overtake them, should they be in his shoes ... no matter what the end result might be. "Sometimes, it's only a silver of light, that opens the door" he whispers, picking up a cigarette and lighting it. "That is all I need". Allowing the smoke to settle in his mouth, he almost splutters as he realises that his email is flashing, informing him that he had received a message; it was indeed, from Gute FC, and more specifically, their chairman Per Lindvall.

It's then, that his hand freezes and reality starts to kick in ... what if it's just another rejection? what if all his positive thinking, had ultimately been for nothing? Nevertheless, he cautiously decides to open it, immediately noticing the word Gutavallen and the statement "we would like to meet you at the Gutavallen for an interview regarding our managerial vacancy" accompanying it.

"Keep calm ... you haven't gotten the job just yet" he reminds himself, even though he would indeed, truly be in with a shot of becoming a bona fide football manager. That is all he wanted ... a chance, to prove his worth. Especially in a nation like Sweden. He was excised; just wanted to scream it out to the world, even at 2:30 AM in the morning.

One step closer ...
17th of August, 2015
Visby, Gotland, Sweden

Since landing in Visby and attending the interview with FC Gute just three days ago, all that's been on the mind of Scotty Adams is "did I do enough to get the job?". Although he felt that the interview went decently well, and the vibes that he had been getting from Per Lindvall and the rest of the selection committee in the aftermath of that interview were positive, he couldn't help but let the fear of failure seep into his mind once more. What if they realised that putting their trust into such a young, inexperienced candidate wasn't necessarily the best option.

On the other hand, maybe it might just add the spark, that a team which had been floundering near the relegation positions from the 'Second Division- South Svealand' despite aspirations of at least a mid-table finish needs, to at least meet their own expectations if nothing else.

A task, that Scotty stated that he would be more than up to; partially because it would appease them, partially because he had the confidence and faith in his own abilities, in order to meet at least that level. "You have to have the confidence in yourself, before you have confidence in others" he notes, knowing that it'll not only be him that'll need to fulfill those requirements: it's also on the players to execute the gameplans that he intends on putting forth, setting the wheels into motion. Right now though, he 's simply sitting in his hotel room, watching the old, twenty-eight inch Television that has been provided, just to see if they give any indication as to whether or not he's been successful.

He's aware that Lindvall will of course call him before any media is notified of their decision, but he just wants to cover all his bases ... after all, he had heard stories about managers who had found out from media sources either online or on TV about their hiring/firing in the past. It wasn't all that unrealistic, that the same could very well happen in regards to him.

"The waiting, is the hardest part" softly leaves his lips, followed by a sigh at just how truthful and honest that comment really is. The wait truly is the hardest part when it comes to job applications, as you'd rather have the knowledge of whether or not you have to continue your search, but 'due process' dictates that the waiting period must occur, so that your potential future employer can accurately assess all possible options.

All candidates, that had nominated themselves for the position. His focus is also on his laptop that is positioned on the table in front of him; for the purpose of the other reason he was happy to jump into management in Sweden ... that being the chance to connect on a closer level with Jessica. Although Gotland is an island and she resides in mainland Sweden, the two of them intend on making a time and date to meet up for the first time in person soon enough, whether or not Scotty gets the job. It at least makes sure that even if he doesn't achieve the main purpose of the trip, he at least gets the second place prize, which to him; is equally as good and would make Gute rejecting him, somewhat easier to swallow, if nothing else.

Aside from that, he's also doing research on the roster that he could very well see himself inheriting, in order to at least have a basic knowledge of what awaits him, should he indeed get the job. It's something that all managers do before settling into a job, or if they don't, it's something that they should do. Well, at least in the mind of Scotty anyway. "It should be obvious ... you can't go into any job blind, much less something as important as the role of a manager" he remarks to himself, almost as if he was at some sort of press conference and talking to a wider audience, although he's a lot less nervous than he would be. He's not the greatest in front of the camera, and well, in any social setting really. His social skills can be considered a 'work in progress' if nothing else.

He'd rather not have to deal with it, but it is what it is, and he knows that sooner rather than later, he will have to figure out a strategy in order to deal with the spotlight; ensure that he doesn't wilt under the pressure and retreat inside of his 'shell', no matter how secure that shell might be. His train of thought is quickly interrupted by the chimes of his phone, causing him to slightly look over to see who the caller might be; FC Gute appears, causing him to swiftly swoop the phone up with his right hand and in one motion, bring it right up to his ear.

"Hello, Scotty speaking" he states, the nerves evident in his voice. To him; this is the moment of truth. "Really?" he states, upon hearing the words on the other side, slight delight in his voice. "Yeah, I can start tomorrow morning," he remarks, as it becomes more and more evident with each word heard that he has indeed, got the job as manager of FC Gute. "That sounds fine, I guess ... I mean, it at least acts as confirmation, if nothing else" he states, slight annoyance that this does mean that he will have to deal with the prying eyes of media, and people watching the press conference at home, although with a job this small, he doesn't expect many will care ... not that it bothers him, because everyone had to start somewhere, even the greats.

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Thanks for this opportunity" are the last words to leave his mouth, before he hangs up the phone, a beaming smile across his face. He had done enough to convince them to look beyond the fact that he was a 21-year old who had no experience in the world of management and let him see what he can do. For he might truly be the 'answer' they were seeking all along.

You never know, if you don't try and Per saw enough pros in signing Scotty, to give it a shot; see if it all works out. As for Scotty; he sees this as more than just an opening chapter to his managerial career, he sees this as a chance to shine through, to build a reputation. Not just for himself, but for FC Gute ... for it would be a journey they would be sharing. Together.
You've got a very smooth writing style and it's easy to read. This is nice work. I like how you write in present tense as well. Not a lot of writers I've seen do it (I don't) and it's a refreshing change. Just be sure you don't mix your tenses, just to be consistent, and you're onto a winner here.

Keep it up! Great stuff!
FormIsntAll's avatar Group FormIsntAll
9 yearsEdited
tenthreeleader: Thanks man. Yeah, the present tense style for updates is something that comes naturally to me when I write, and makes it easier to get invested into the story itself. In saying that; I will be doing the monthly recaps in more of a past tense form, as I find it easier to write about them after they've occurred and adds more to the sense that the manager will solely be focused on the task at hand during game time. Glad you're enjoying it so far, and hopefully I can continue to entertain :). Definitely enjoying this save thus far, even if it's only a month in and with a team that not many would really know about *if any haha*
Monthly Recap(Performance Review) w/ Scotty Adams

August 22nd, 2015 vs Vamdo IF (7th)

My debut game, and it's safe to say; I was nervous as heck heading into it. No matter how much research I had done on the team, no matter how much I had drilled the schemes and sets I wished for the players to run in practice, it was no substitute for executing those plans in a game setting, especially considering the fact that it would be in front of our own fans at home. Not to mention, I had never done anything like this before, something that had been questioned in the build up to the match, by fans and media alike.

Despite all that, I was confident enough in the players ability, that we would be able to walk out and grab a result, if we stuck to the plan. That was the problem; at the start, the team seemed to struggle in regards to execution on the strategy of direct passing and trying to run at a highish tempo, as we were making skill errors befitting of a team at this level, I suppose, but Vamdo were executing and pressing us at any chance they could get.

Although I must give credit where due to our defense and midfield ... they did hold firm and weather the storm for the first 20-25 minutes, until I told them to simply try and slow the tempo a little bit and focus on retaining possession. From there, it became a tug o' war of sorts, until their winger Holmburg was able to send in a threatening cross into our area that our left back and the man who was supposed to be marking Halmburg, Cederquvist, in an attempt to clear it away, scuffed it and as a result; conceded an own goal.

Did they deserve the opener? Sure, but it was still disappointing to concede in that fashion. From there, it would become a battle once more, until 5 minutes later, Antonsson whipped in a delicious cross that our young target man/striker Fojdholm was able to get on the end of and slam back into the net.

At this point, I would have been happy to go into the half level, but in the 43rd minute, the referee appeared to be on our side, by giving us a very 50/50 penalty, when Gustafsson was adjudged to have pushed Fojdholm in the area. This, allowed our captain and one of our better players in general, Robert Mambo Mumba to step up to the spot and coolly slot it home. Looking back at it, we probably didn't deserve it, but sometimes; those calls go your way. That's how football works and we were 2-1 up going into the break.

All I simply said at half time was; "You've done well to hold them off and execute up our end. Let's try more of the same in the second half, but be wary. You know they're gonna wanna try and catch us napping", which went down well enough. The lads knew what was required, and what we had to do to finish what we started. And despite Vamdo turning their game up a notch in the 2nd half, I knew we could hold on; we did.

In a second half that they controlled, we still had some threatening moves, that put pressure on them, whilst soaking up their pressure on defense and picking spots in order to make the right play when we would go forward. Just as it had been hammered into them on the training pitch.

Overall, this was simply a gritty performance from the lads, nothing more; nothing less. They got the job done and I was delighted to be walking out of the Gutvallen with the 3 points.

Result: 2-1 Victory
Scorers: Fojdholm, Mamba Mumba (Penalty)
MotM: Antonson
Subs: Olsson (on 61, for Fojdholm), Orleifsson & Dahlstrom (on 72, for Heaver & Mambo Mumba), all tactical/fatigue.

29th August, 2015, at Sylvia (1st)

Honestly, the less said about this match, the better. They're top of the league for a reason, and played as such. We, quite simply put, did not play up to their level at all, and showed just why despite some of the talent we have here, we're currently under-achieving in many people's eyes and sit in 10th. Jaheze and Lindell killed us on either wing, whipping in dangerous balls, whether they be from crosses or corners and Lindin, Aziz and Diawara were there inside of the box, to make our defense look like statues.

It didn't help any when Heaver whiffed on a header to basically gift-wrap Diawara his goal and their 4th of this game. I will say this, I've made it a priority to attempt to convince Mambo Mumba to stay beyond the end of his contract, because I have no idea where we would be without him. You live and you learn from these sorts of matches, I suppose, so there's a positive to take away from it.

Oh, and the fact that I got to meet Jessica in person for the first time; she's as sweet and amazing as I imagined she would be from our interaction online. Yes, I'm rambling, but I need something positive, so that my mind and body isn't overly consumed by my frustration and anger at the team's failure to show up on the pitch.

He's much too good for this level, and I think he realises that, considering the fact he stated that he wouldn't be re-signing with us in November. *sigh* he's gonna be one heck of a bother to replace.

Result: 1-4 Loss
Scorer: Mambo Mumba
MotM: Lindell (Sylvia)
Subs: Orleifsson & Lindblom (on 66 for Heaver & Dahlstrom) tactical/fatigue (Lindblom for Dahlstrom), Performance (Orleifsson for Heaver)

Transfer News:We managed to sign Marcus Stahl up to a contract *free transfer*. A decent signing for this level, but somebody who had not been on a team since 2012, which to me; was a little bit surprising, but I'm not gonna complain, I guess. Made it easier to snap him up.

He adds some depth and competition to the Center Back position, especially when our current loanees head back to their parent clubs at the end of this season. I'm just hoping that he can slot in and play a role, thus making sure that if nothing else, we're steady at the back. That's all I can ask him to do; I have confidence that he will at least give me that.

There's even potential for him to slot right into the starting XI, considering how well, annoyed I've been with Heaver's tendency to make silly little execution errors that inevitably lead to an opposition goal. On top of his lack of performance at this moment in time. Both in training, and on the pitch during the games. Maybe dropping him and inserting Stahl in his place will light a spark under him and push his performance levels up. After all, competition is always healthy.

5th September, 2015: vs Vimmerby (11th)

All I can really say is; sometimes in football, you can be second best for the majority of the match, but still find a way to scrape out a victory at the end of the day. That's pretty much how it went down here, as Vimmerby outplayed us for the vast majority of this match, but we were able to make enough of a play going forward, to force their defense into having to respect us; struck when Antonsson craftily positioned a ball into the path of the oncoming Fojdholm who calmly slotted it home.

That kid can play, that's all I'm saying. He's only 16 and has issues with stamina, but he's the second name on the team sheet each and every match *behind only our captain Mambo Mumba, who was travelling back from International duty and thus unavailable for this one* due to just how crafty he can be. Antonsson's service definitely helped in this instance though, as all he had to do was reward him by putting the ball in the back of the net.

Outside of that, we were mostly content to try and hold possession in the midfield, and absorb the pressure that they were constantly putting upon us. Luckily, the addition of Stahl to the defense seemed to help in that regard ... well, at least better than Heaver had been previously. Gardell, our goalkeeper also helped, making some top-notch saves to deny a determined Vimmerby squad an equalizer that honestly; they would have richly deserved. Simply put; we were very lucky to get away with this one, but sometimes; that's football for you. You have to ride your luck, because you're not always gonna have it on your side.

Result: 1-0 Victory
Scorer: Fojdholm
MotM: Gardell
Subs: Olsson (on 66, for Fojdholm), Johansson (on 81, for Dahlstrom) both tactical/fatigue.

12th September, 2015 at AFK Linkopong (10th)

Going into this match, I knew that a win would be enough to ensure survival for the next season in this division, which would be seen as the bare minimum, considering how the season had gone in relation to pre-season expectations. And it was a match that I felt that if we executed our gameplan to the best of our ability, that we would be able to come out with the positive result, like I had said to Eurosport in an phonecall interview prior to the match ... but I made one critical error going into it.

I changed the tactic, deviating for the first time from the trusted 4-4-1-1 that had led us to the solid performances in the past month since I had taken charge, electing instead to go for a 4-3-3 narrow. The reasoning being that we have three talented strikers (Fojdholm, Olsson and Majanovic) who would be able to finish, should we be able to give them the service that they craved. Unfortunately, that meant that Antonsson would have to go to the bench, a decision that meant we would be missing our most creative player and main offensive hub.

A fact, that ultimately killed us more than anything else, even despite me going to a 4-4-2 later on, just so I could bring him in and hopefully get something. Now, as for the match itself; it was a fight. A fight, that I felt we were extremely unlucky in, considering we probably outplayed them for 75 minutes, but the 15 minutes they were on top, they were able to score 2 goals in, the first to send them 1-0 up heading into half time, and the second to double that lead coming out of the break. I cannot fault our defenders for either of the goals; they were wonderful Linkopong plays that set them up and put their strikers in a position to finish.

Just as I wish we had done up the other end of the pitch. But hey, that's football sometimes, and yeah, I'm disappointed, but I knew that we had done all that we could. Sometimes, footballing luck just isn't on our side. On a positive; Olsson did manage to score his 1st ever goal for the club, so that was pleasing to see, and it was a neat little finish too, wrapping up a neat little team move nicely. He's from our academy, so hopefully, this is the start of something for him, and continues to put competition for Fojdholm's place in the squad.

Result: 1-2 Loss
Scorer: Olsson
MotM: Samuelsson (AFK Linkopong)
Subs: Antonsson & Ljeiak (on 67 for Fojdholm & Dahlstrom) both tactical.

Final thoughts

An up and down month. Winning both at home and losing both on the road. It's the struggles of managing a squad at this level, and something we need to get more consistent in, if we are ever gonna take that next step. I guess I can be happy with the fact we've been undefeated at home, even if I feel as if we should have performed a little bit better in both of them. It's always been a theory of mine that "success starts at home" and the gutavallen has been great for us. Yeah, we're playing in front of 200-300 fans, but that's the life of a squad at this level; you're not gonna rake the masses in, unless you give them a reason to come. It's the road, where we have struggled.

That'll come with time, and further development/nurturing of the talent we have at hand. As for the one transfer we have made? Stahl has been fantastic since coming in, and added a solid, defensive presence that Heaver quite honestly lacks. He's been in our top three since joining, along with Mambo Mumba and Fojdholm. Safe to say, he's definitely been worth it. The journey, has well and truly begun, and honestly; I couldn't be happier to be here. Hopefully, this can be the start of something special ... Not just for me, but also for FC Gute.

Personal Player of the month: Robert Mambo Mumba

There were 3 players this could have been, if I'm totally honest. Antonsson has been fantastic with the quantity and quality of chances that he created this month for our strikers, and Fojdholm was fantastic in finishing those chances to a decent enough standard with two goals, but ultimately; I have to go with our skipper and Kenyan international.

Even though he is 37 years old, and even though he is definitely above this standard when it comes to his level of play, he has been fantastic in the middle of the pitch for us. He may not have been player of the match, but he was second best at the very least (and our player of the match in that hefty 1-4 loss to Sylvia, where it was really only him who showed up and played anywhere near an acceptable standard).

I'd love for him to stay, but highly doubt we'll be able to retain him ... as I've stated before, he's gonna be very damn hard to replace but sometimes; it's just what has to happen.
14th September, 2015
Visby, Gotland, Sweden

"Are you 100% certain you don't wish to stay?"

Those words ring through the air, as Scotty sits inside of the dingy apartment that he calls his residence, ever since renting it for himself two weeks ago. He realised quickly, that even though right now, he's only technically here himself for two more games, he desires to remain for the long haul. Which is why he's as driven and focused in his pursuit of retaining the man who has been a rock in the middle of the pitch for Gute this season; their skipper, Robert Mambo Mumba. Which is why right now, Scotty is desperately pleading with him to stay, before the team's daily training session.

"Yes, it's nothing personal, but I know that I can still play at a higher standard and we both know: I deserve to," is his firm response. He's not gonna budge or turn back on his earlier words. This team, wasn't playing at a level befitting of his standards, which to some, might reek of arrogance. But deep down, and even at a more shallow level, everyone knew it was the truth. "I want to give it one last go at a higher platform before I fade into retirement, and you know that I at the very least, deserve respect in that regard".

Scotty sighs, everything that was been stated from the opposite side of the table was correct. Robert did deserve a final chance to make a name for himself at a higher level, and at least play at a standard that was more befitting of an international footballer. "You're right," he concedes, before taking a sip of his soda once more, and looking deep into Robert's eyes.

"I guess I cannot convince you to stay, but you know how important you are to this team. As a leader. As the general of our midfield ... just know, that if you do change your mind, there's a contract offer sitting inside of your locker. The choice, is yours" Those words almost drag themselves out, despite Scott's best attempts to remain as calm and professional as possible.

"All I ask, is that you give us everything that you have inside of you, for these last two games. If nothing else, merely so that we can end this season positively enough," Scott gently smiles after saying that, as it is pretty obvious after all. Even though Robert's mind might be on his next move, he is a professional person and knows that in order to secure the future, he must finish off the now.

"Of course," he remarks, fully intending on putting his best foot forward for the remainder of the season.

"Thank you," is all Scotty can muster up in response, really unsure of what else is fitting to respond with in this situation. After all, he had just navigated his way successfully through what is an always testing discussion; the attempt to convince a player to stay, when their heart has already set itself on leaving. It had gone just as Jessica reminded him that it might: "you cannot convince somebody to do, what they have decided they won't", which is something that he should know by now.

After all, he's been on both ends of the equation throughout his life, but sometimes: it's the simple things, that one needs to have repeatedly hammered into them, so that they never forget the reality of the situation.

Robert in the meantime, has made his way to the exit, remarking "Alright, see you at training later then," in his calm yet gruff fashion, to which Scott could only reply with a mumbled "Alright, seeya then" before looking out the window, his mind almost in a mind of its own.

All he can do now, is ensure that the team is on the right track for the season's finale and that he has done enough in order to make his managerial career a little more stable, if nothing else. It might not be in his hands, but he knows that if we wishes to truly embed his profile on the FC Gute culture, he was gonna need to set the building blocks in place now ... and in the near future. And this first month, had just been the beginning. He also had the clarity now, that he would indeed, need to at least attempt to fill the shoes that Mambo-Mumba would be leaving; that it would become his number one priority. He'll work on that immediately.
Monthly Review/Performance report w/ Scotty Adams

19th September v Konyaspor KIF (13th)

Frustration. That sums up my feelings towards this match in one word. A match that maybe I can say we were guilty of underestimating our opponents going into, ultimately ended up being nothing short of a poor performance from the squad, with the exception of Marco Ljeljak, who was the only real 'bright' spot in the 90 minutes.

Of course, some of it came down to the fact that I decided to give Stahl, Dahlstrom and Fojdholm some much-needed rest, starting the trio on the bench. From the start, that was shown to have been the wrong decision on my behalf, as Konyaspor simply came out and made us look second-rate. It was almost as if we weren't fighting to stay up after all ... as if we had resigned ourselves to defeat, before the game even had a chance to play out.

Even Mambo-Mumba, who had promised me that despite him having one foot out of the door, would be giving everything that he had seemed to be lacking. I want to chalk this one up to the fact it was just a bad day; bound to occur in football, but I feel like we know we should have executed our strategies and schemes better.

Had opponents figured us out, and the honeymoon period that had somewhat accompanied my arrival flamed out? To an extent, the answer to that is probably yes, but I knew that it would occur, for 'buzz' and excitement always fades and the grind truly begins to appear. Going 2-0 down in the first 10 minutes never helps either, and from there: it was an uphill battle, with us starting to snatch at any chance we could get and them simply outclassing us in all facets of the game.

Halftime came, and I let the lads know I wanted actual work-ethic and intensity from them in the second half; to at least show me something positive from this performance, and also made the decision to swap the disappointing Sandhagen for Stahl. A decision, that appeared to pay dividends as we suddenly looked more solid down back, and finally seemed like we were controlling play; it appeared the players had matched my own frustrations and answered the challenge of "Do you truly wanna avoid relegation? Do you really want them to walk over us?" in the manner which I had hoped they would. "Yes" to the first part, "No" to the second part.

It was then, about twenty minutes into the half, that I realised that we needed Fojdholm out there, another decision which paid off as he was able to reel us back into it, capping off a wonderful Ljeljak play by putting the ball into the back of the net with a deft little finish. 1-2, from here, I felt as if we could come back and for the rest of the match, we looked more damaging and dangerous going forward, but their defense would constantly hold firm ... and of course, they bit us on the counter attack with literally the last kick of the game.

Yasar with his 2nd and the team's 3rd securing their result and resigning us to our first home defeat of my stint in charge. Despite that loss, we would be lucky and have other results go our way, thus ensuring survival at least. As much as I'd rather have us secure survival on our terms, sometimes, you have to rely on circumstances to fall your way, I guess. That's football, and even more so, that's life.

Result: 1-3 Loss
Scorer: Fojdholm
MotM: Yazar (Konyaspor KIF)
Subs: Stahl (on 45, for Sandhagen) performance, Fojdholm (on 66, for Marjanovic) tactical

After that performance, I was livid with the squad, and let them know in no uncertain terms how I felt. They knew it and I knew it, it didn't matter if we had ultimately survived, that we had to be better as a unit if we were to continue building towards the future. Sure, most of the roster are only here until the end of the season, whether that be because they wish to move on or are only on loan, but they're here and they needed to act more like they want to prove a point.

Not like this was just another paycheque for them. I'm not somebody who tolerates failure that way, and it was feeling more and more like the players were accepting it ... that a culture of failure was starting to manifest itself in the locker room.

Yet at the same time, I also sensed a feeling that they did want to turn it all around, they just couldn't find the best manner in which to do so. Which of course, somewhat comes back to me, as I am the one who preaches the schemes and strategies which they are to follow.

The identity, that I wish for them to create. "They say that teams take after their manager ... time to prove that right, I suppose" was all I had to say when Henrik Linquist called me on the Wednesday following the Konyaspor, asking for a soundbite/quote for the Swedish Football Press's online blog, in an article that would be devoted to FC Gute and my desire for the team to rise into the first division once more.

That's the one thing I haven't been enjoying since taking the job: the additional media attention I've been getting. Sure, it hasn't been as great as it could have been if I was attempting to mastermind a 'bigger' team, but it was still there and for somebody that doesn't deal with people all that well for the most part, it's a little bit unnerving. But it is part of the job, I suppose, so I do have to deal with it. I think I've done quite well in that regard, but that might just be me.

26th September, at FC Linkoping City (2nd)

Despite the media having bothered me in the days leading up to this match, I solely had my focus on making sure the team actually decided they were going to show at least some of the potential they had done in practice, in an actual game. Having learnt from my judgment error last time out, Dahlstrom, Stahl and Fojdholm were all in the starting line up this time around, and Heaver was back on the bench (despite actually putting forth a solid effort against Konyaspor, it has to be admitted), in what was a hope that the team would at least end the season on a positive, thus allowing us to work on what needed to be done in order to move forward.

And let me just say this; they performed even greater than I had expected, especially in the opening minutes. Sure, our first goal was scrappy, when Salam found himself able to get boot onto ball and ball into net, to give us a 1-0 lead but we were showing positive signs and taking the fight to Linkoping, thus showing that we were more than up to the challenge of making sure they had zero chance of winning the title, instead of the ten percent that they had going into this match.

It appeared that the Konyaspor result was what needed to happen, as we were well and truly putting it behind us, in the matter of a half. When you look back to how we had performed in our previous "top challenge" and then look at this match, it honestly felt like two different squads out there. Half-time actually felt good going into for once, and all I wanted the lads to do, was keep trucking along and maintain this result, though I knew Linkoping were about to come hard. They were 2nd for a reason, and wanted to show why in front of their fans.

That's what they did coming right out of the break, aided by literally the dumbest backpass I've ever seen, whether live in person or on TV. Cederquvist had a brain fart, to put it kindly and thought that it would be wise to tamely put a backpass there, whilst Cakic was pressing him; a decision that was punished, and rightly so, allowing them to equalised. There was no better reaction to it but to simply shake my head and facepalm, but I literally wanted to choke him out right there and then.

He had basically said "here, have the goal" to Linkoping and like any competent team would do, they said "thanks" and took it. It appeared to light a further spark after them, as they were able to score again four minutes later, this time as a result of a neat team play, mixed with with a slight concentration lapse from our defense, thus allowing Kabia to get on the end of a Cakic pass and slot it home past Gardell.

Not much you can do about that ... sure, the defense can cover it better, but sometimes offense just works out, no matter what you try. It was pretty much a tug of war from there, with Linkoping content to sit on their 1 goal cushion, whilst we probed and pressed for an equaliser, but in the end, the result probably played out as expected, despite the fact I honestly felt like, and feel like, we deserved at least a point from this one.

Result: 1-2 Loss
Scorer: Salam
MotM: Kabia (FC Linkoping City)
Subs: Heaver (on 66, for Ronstrom) Performance.

Final thoughts

Not the greatest way to end the season, but I kind of expected we would lose against Linkoping, even if the performance on the day itself didn't warrant the defeat. The Konyaspor result is one I'm not going to dwell on, as it was frustrating and aggravating to watch in person. Sometimes though, even those losses can be turned into positives, as they can serve to wake the team up in a sense, which it appeared to have done.

I guess the end of the season summed up this season for the team in general; first under Janne, then under me: uninspiring and overall, just flat. We did survive and in 10th place, thus meaning no real progress since I joined, but six games is only a very small sample size for the most part ... now, it's time to play the waiting game once more as I await the decision of the board regarding my contractual status. Have I done enough to convince them that the process is worth the struggle?

Personally, I cannot answer that right now, and I wish to leave that much, in their hands. All I know is, I want to be the one to lead this team forward, and I have faith I can do just that ... time and resources are all I need.

Personal Player of the Month: Marco Ljeljak

Having been relatively anonymous during the first four games of my stint here, I wasn't sure just what I was going to do with him, or with the left midfield position at all, to be totally honest. I mean, he is the best option there, but he just hadn't been doing anything that was making me stand up and notice him ... well, until these last two games.

Maybe it was the fact that it was the end of the season and he just wanted to go on vacation, or maybe it was the fact that he wanted to step out of the shadows, but he stood up and shined this month, easily being our best performer.

Is he the long term answer at LM? At this point, I do not know, but if he can kick on from these two games and perform at a greater standard next season, I will be delighted.
Sorry, but due to a 'crash file dump' and my idiocy in not saving this game, I'm starting to get extremely frustrated (I last saved before the Vimmerby game, and well, it's tiring going through it all over again). As such, I dunno if I can put myself through the stress of doing this all over again ... :/ Ugh, and I was really invested in this too D:. BUT, I do have an idea for another save, which I plan on starting up *was always gonna do it, but now I feel like it's probably gonna be my main*, so anyone interested in this, I hope will read that.
Sorry to hear about this save going south because it sounds like you had fun with it. Will definitely follow your next one though!
Yeah, I definitely was. Had an update ready to write up about getting the new contract too ... but it happens. We live and we learn. And awesome :), hopefully I can make it as enjoyable as this one was.

You are reading "Trials and Tribulations ...".

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