This is a preliminary beta release of a new Super League system I've been working on over the last 2 weeks; I have never authored any previous Super League before so it's unlike any other release! I've written this because I want to play a long game, taking a lower league club to the top of the world, and be able to play against ALL the other top teams in the world, and have them fully simulated in my league. I don't want to play games against Real Madrid or Barca ONLY in the Champions League, I want to test my lower league club (eventually) against the best-of-the-best in the world in a league format, where every game is like a Champions League final! But I'm creating this for anyone that wants to play any club from any nation at any level!
I always struggle when starting a new save to know which nations and leagues to select for my long games. If you choose too few leagues, then you don't have enough diversity, if you choose too many, you could be simulating leagues, clubs and players you'll never need or interact with. But it just seems like a waste of (processing) time to load 69 other leagues with questionable clubs. Why not take ALL the best clubs in the world, mix them with ALL the English clubs and have so much diversity that you'll never need another league!
Instead of having 19 single group divisions like other Super Leagues, I only use 12 divisions (levels) making it faster to climb the ladder, because the lower division clubs are divided into multiple groups at the same level. I did this because I didn't want to play 19 seasons like the old Super League written for FM15, it just takes too long. I wanted to be able to go through the levels
Premier League Clubs:
Real Madrid
Man Utd
Man City
AC Milan
Atletico Mineiro
Installation Instructions
Step 1
Extract the downloaded file using 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac.
Move the extracted "World Super League.fmf" file to your "editor data" folder:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2016 > editor data
Important: Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist.
Notice: There may be two "Sports Interactive" folders in your Documents library. If this is the case then put it in the one which has your saved games inside.
Step 2
Start a new career game (won't work with classic mode).
A little pop-up window will come up that says there is X enabled editor files. Select "Custom" from the editor data drop down menu and choose the databases you wish to load in your new save.
NOTE: I would remove ANY/ALL other leagues. When selecting the league for the new save, ONLY select England! It can safely work with some other extensions like the league/cup/club name fixes etc. Definitely not compatible with any other England league files!
I always struggle when starting a new save to know which nations and leagues to select for my long games. If you choose too few leagues, then you don't have enough diversity, if you choose too many, you could be simulating leagues, clubs and players you'll never need or interact with. But it just seems like a waste of (processing) time to load 69 other leagues with questionable clubs. Why not take ALL the best clubs in the world, mix them with ALL the English clubs and have so much diversity that you'll never need another league!
- WARNING: The list of (lower league) clubs will change as I have found some unsuitable clubs after running simulation tests, I try to balance the divisions by running multiple simulations on only the first year so each division will be balanced and challenging! I add, remove or move clubs between divisions; trying to keep balance as well as a good diversity at each level!
- 792 clubs from 61 countries, divided into 33 groups of 24 clubs each. The NEW Premier League also includes 24 clubs, not the standard 20 making it even more challenging!
- Clubs taken from the highest reputation 9350 (Barca) right down to 1000 reputation!
- All the top clubs in the world with 5800+ reputation are included (The top 320+ clubs in the world without exception are in the top 7 tiers, 13 groups of 24 clubs each). This alone is already double the amount of clubs in the official English league system released with FM16.
- The Barclays Premier League clubs are spread over the top 6 tiers mixed with the other clubs of the world
- ALL other English league clubs from the Sky Bet Championship (tier 8), League 1 (tier 9), League 2 (tier 10), Vanarama (tier 11) and Vanarama N/S (tier 12) are in the bottom 5 divisions, mixed with clubs from various nations including lower league and semi-pro clubs
- Every club plays from it's BASED nation, which means they draw talent from their home country; giving national teams the maximum diversity by simulating the top clubs from every major nation in the footballing world!
- 173 clubs from England (more than the default release), 23 clubs from Argentina, 28 from Brazil, 39 from France, 25 from Germany, 38 from Italy, 40 from Spain etc.
- Australia:6, Austria:9, Belarus:5, Belgium:15, Bulgaria:5, Canada:6, Chile:3, China:2, Colombia:8, Croatia:10, Czech:15, Denmark:11 etc.
- 50 clubs from USA; including all MLS clubs and most NASL clubs; and many lower leagues including 4 semi-pro clubs
- Every club plays from it's BASED nation, which means they draw talent from their home country giving maximum diversity
- Initial seeding for the clubs was based on their reputation. However, I have simulated the first year 15 times and recorded the results of the top 300+ clubs and moved them up or down the leagues. This process is on-going as I'm simulating while I'm typing this!
- Many days research went into each extra club added. I wanted to keep every club with a high Youth Recruitment value, so Newgens would have the highest probability to be born into the league clubs and be fully simulated
- With ALL divisions loaded and a small database size, it came to about 50,000 players. About 60,000 players if you use a large database.
- Runs MUCH faster than the equivalent number of players taken from multiple leagues!
- It actually runs extremely fast, even on my 2 year old i5 a full year is simulated in less than 30 minutes
- The league structure is closed, meaning clubs cannot be relegated from the bottom league!
- All clubs should have a logo, I'm sure any logo pack should work as many clubs were added from the disabled lower leagues for diversity.
- It's possible to take a non-English lower league semi-professional club and work your way up. Non-English clubs will get youth players from their original country!
- TV Money is distributed more evenly among the top 5 leagues, so your progression through the leagues is more rewarding. However, don't expect boat loads of cash! The World Premier League actually has LESS money, so you'll need to be much more cunning.
- Basically what I did for the lower leagues, after filling the top 7 divisions (312 clubs) with the top clubs based on reputation; was to take each `league/division` in the English league system and divide it into 4 groups (96 clubs at each level) and mix them with equivalent clubs from around the world. So the 24 Championship teams were divided into 4 groups (6 clubs each) and the remaining 18 spaces in each group I filled with clubs from other top tier divisions like Bundesliga, Liga BBVA etc. Rinse and repeat this strategy all the way down to the last division.
- Some of my criteria when choosing a lower league club from other nations, were: the clubs `reputation` value, the clubs Youth Recruitment value (1-20), the stadium size, make sure they have a logo in my logo pack, other club attributes like facilities and training levels, squad and staff size and skills etc.
- Not all the clubs with a high Youth Recruitment value were suitable, some didn't have club logos or even stadiums.
- Interesting to note: I simulated the first year about 15 times already, and Barcelona have never finished higher than 4th position. Arsenal, Bayern and Chelsea each won the league twice, Real Madrid and Man City once (can't remember the rest).
- I moved all the staff and players from their `B` teams directly into the parent club for leagues that allow a `B` team. (I've done this for most of the top teams, like Real Madrid, Barca and the MLS teams, but not all!)
- A total of 160 semi-pro clubs from 28 countries in the bottom 2 divisions (mixed with a few pro clubs)
- 12 Divisions means you could theoretically take a semi-pro team to the top Premier League in 12 seasons! But I think that
- All the English league cups have been disabled. I will add them later. (they currently crash the game, I haven't started on them)
- I wanted a `Reserves` division, not just U21s and U18s; but it seems like only Reserves and U21s are enabled, not sure if the game supports a 3rd squad, can you only have 2 junior teams???
- I must put clubs back in the other official leagues, so the warning sign when you select your leagues doesn't show on the league selection page
- Create some logos for the leagues (anyone willing to help?)
- Re-balance many divisions! Because the clubs are drawn from various leagues, their reputation doesn't always reflect their players skill.
- Re-balance the money/budgets (possibly) and Youth Recruitment and facilities to be more in-line with clubs of similar skill level.
Instead of having 19 single group divisions like other Super Leagues, I only use 12 divisions (levels) making it faster to climb the ladder, because the lower division clubs are divided into multiple groups at the same level. I did this because I didn't want to play 19 seasons like the old Super League written for FM15, it just takes too long. I wanted to be able to go through the levels

Premier League Clubs:
Real Madrid
Man Utd
Man City
AC Milan
Atletico Mineiro
Installation Instructions
Step 1
Extract the downloaded file using 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac.
Move the extracted "World Super League.fmf" file to your "editor data" folder:
Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2016 > editor data
Important: Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't exist.
Notice: There may be two "Sports Interactive" folders in your Documents library. If this is the case then put it in the one which has your saved games inside.
Step 2
Start a new career game (won't work with classic mode).
A little pop-up window will come up that says there is X enabled editor files. Select "Custom" from the editor data drop down menu and choose the databases you wish to load in your new save.
NOTE: I would remove ANY/ALL other leagues. When selecting the league for the new save, ONLY select England! It can safely work with some other extensions like the league/cup/club name fixes etc. Definitely not compatible with any other England league files!