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A new award to go alongside the monthly SotM?

Started on 4 August 2016 by Jack
Latest Reply on 17 October 2016 by Stam
  • POSTS8
  • VIEWS5817
After debating the idea with several other members of the site through general chat I would like to suggest that along with the monthly 'Story of the Month' poll on the FM Stories forum the possibility of adding another monthly award to win.

That award in my eyes would go to content creators who had started their story in the same month as the award as like a 'Breakthrough/Newcoming Story of the Month'. I am aware that people who start their stories halfway through the FM year don't earn enough recognition for some of the fantastic content they produce as the stories that have been going on for a while are constantly nominated for the same award each month due to the sheer support they receive in comparison to new stories.

I believe that this award has the ability to stop writers with new ideas and great talent becoming demotivated at their lack of recognition. Not only would this move create more quality stories, but it would encourage people to start their own stories to try and reach that sense of achievement that comes with winning or being nominated for an award. That is all at the expense of running an extra thread which only has to be updated once a month.

It would be great for the moderators and people in charge of the running of FM Scout to chat about this and try and implement this for the next installment of Football Manager.

Well in the past, there was the FM Story Weekly articles to combat this very problem.

FM Story Weekly
2016-08-05 10:25#236096 Feliks : Well in the past, there was the FM Story Weekly articles to combat this very problem.

FM Story Weekly
Something along the lines of FM Story Weekly would be brilliant and no doubt welcomed back by most creators out there!
I back this idea, it'd be great to find a way to encourage more creators
This has already been put in motion, not sure when it will begin though
Nice idea :D
I think this is a great idea. When I was at TAS, they used to have a career corner every so often which showcased some of the stories on the site.
I'm positive for this and will green light the initiative. The problem is that someone has to be in charge of that award to ensure it gets consistent updates... and that someone can't be me.

So who's gonna step up? :)

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