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can you transfer editor files

from one fm to another?
Started on 19 September 2016 by howie82
Latest Reply on 22 September 2016 by Stam
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howie82's avatar Group howie82
8 yearsEdited
hi all i was wondering if you can transfer a previous fm to a diff rent one e,g use a fm 16 data file on fm17? i did download a fm15 file and put it on fm16 and it seemed to work? my last post i did on this i noticed i did wrong lol. plz help guys thanks. i want to have one long save no starting again.
You can use graphics from Fm 16 in fm17 for example, kits logos even tactics.... but not saved games they are not transferable.
i know i cant use saved games, i mean editor files from previous fm?
No, you can't transfer editor files as a general rule. However, there's a chance you'll be able to do it during beta access; or at least this was the case last year.

The main problem is the original database each file is based upon. There could be too many errors when trying to apply an editor file from an older FM.

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