Few random things that annoy me about Genie Scout, thought I'd toss them out there in hopes that they could maybe be fixed at some point. Won't stop me from using the tool.
- When using a saved filter, if I load new game, or modify any of the attribute fields, the "Is Regen" and "EU National" boxes uncheck themselves. I have to bring up the filter editor and re-check them. Annoying. For example, if I'm trying to generate regens by saving and reloading, or if I'm filtering through free or transfer listed players for a lower league side, everytime I modify the age or position rating, it clears the "EU National" check box.
- When using a filter, the default behavior is that a name search only searches within that filter. It would be nice if a name search over-rode the filter by default and found the player(s). An option to "search within filter" would be fine, but typically if I'm typing in a specific name, I want the player found regardless of what I had been filtering on.
- Searching on names with special characters require you to type the special characters. The game itself has solved this, I can type Sergi Gomez to find Sergi Gómez. In genie scout I have to type "Sergi G" or know how to type the ó, which I usually don't. This is particularly bothersome with players who have special characters early in both their first and last name. I work around it, but it's annoying.
- Having a "clear filters" button on the main player search UI would be nice, rather than having to click 3 or 4 times to get to it.
- For staff searches it would be nice if you could filter out unhireables. These include current head coaches, directors, etc. Anyone that can't even be approached to offer a job.
- It would be nice to be able to search on players by their strongest position. FMRTE has the option to include the "Position" level in the search, which is nice especially at lower levels. Looking for a 65 rated right back will return countless higher rated midfielders and center backs that would also be 65 at right back, played out of position. If you could search only by players rated 18-20 at right defender, that'd help.
Anyway, just some thoughts. Dunno if any UI work is being done on Genie Scout, or if the only development is to keep it current with FM. Either way it's still the best tool out there, and thanks.
- When using a saved filter, if I load new game, or modify any of the attribute fields, the "Is Regen" and "EU National" boxes uncheck themselves. I have to bring up the filter editor and re-check them. Annoying. For example, if I'm trying to generate regens by saving and reloading, or if I'm filtering through free or transfer listed players for a lower league side, everytime I modify the age or position rating, it clears the "EU National" check box.
- When using a filter, the default behavior is that a name search only searches within that filter. It would be nice if a name search over-rode the filter by default and found the player(s). An option to "search within filter" would be fine, but typically if I'm typing in a specific name, I want the player found regardless of what I had been filtering on.
- Searching on names with special characters require you to type the special characters. The game itself has solved this, I can type Sergi Gomez to find Sergi Gómez. In genie scout I have to type "Sergi G" or know how to type the ó, which I usually don't. This is particularly bothersome with players who have special characters early in both their first and last name. I work around it, but it's annoying.
- Having a "clear filters" button on the main player search UI would be nice, rather than having to click 3 or 4 times to get to it.
- For staff searches it would be nice if you could filter out unhireables. These include current head coaches, directors, etc. Anyone that can't even be approached to offer a job.
- It would be nice to be able to search on players by their strongest position. FMRTE has the option to include the "Position" level in the search, which is nice especially at lower levels. Looking for a 65 rated right back will return countless higher rated midfielders and center backs that would also be 65 at right back, played out of position. If you could search only by players rated 18-20 at right defender, that'd help.
Anyway, just some thoughts. Dunno if any UI work is being done on Genie Scout, or if the only development is to keep it current with FM. Either way it's still the best tool out there, and thanks.