Have you notched up some serious hours on Football Manager 17 already? While you’re busy tweaking, adding some depth or completely revamping your favourite team’s squad, staff and philosophy, here’s your chance to help the FM community.
We’re looking for some FM enthusiasts who would be willing to write about their favourite team(s), creating a guide that others can follow all the way through to FM18.
While we’re hoping for some major European teams to be picked up first, if you believe you can help your fellow FMers with a comprehensive guide of a team in the lower leagues of Brazil or Indonesia, go for it!
Have a look at this FM17 Guide for reference and a rough structure, or the other FM16 guides available here to get a fair idea of what your article should look like.
Some of the basic information we’re expecting in the guide:
• A Brief History
• Finances and Starting Budget (Min/Max & possible adjustments)
• Board Expectations and Media Prediction
• Best Tactics with default squad
• Starting XI Positional Analysis
• Weaknesses and Potential Strengthening, with alternatives (if viable and tested)
• Summary
Feel free to add more pointers, as you can never be too prepared before starting a new save on Football Manager.
Please reply to this post saying which team(s) you are willing to write a guide for. From there, I'll speak with you directly to assign the guide to you and set a timeline for delivery.
If you have any questions, either talk to me on live chat or send me a PM.
We’re looking for some FM enthusiasts who would be willing to write about their favourite team(s), creating a guide that others can follow all the way through to FM18.
While we’re hoping for some major European teams to be picked up first, if you believe you can help your fellow FMers with a comprehensive guide of a team in the lower leagues of Brazil or Indonesia, go for it!
What to Include
Have a look at this FM17 Guide for reference and a rough structure, or the other FM16 guides available here to get a fair idea of what your article should look like.
Some of the basic information we’re expecting in the guide:
• A Brief History
• Finances and Starting Budget (Min/Max & possible adjustments)
• Board Expectations and Media Prediction
• Best Tactics with default squad
• Starting XI Positional Analysis
• Weaknesses and Potential Strengthening, with alternatives (if viable and tested)
• Summary
Feel free to add more pointers, as you can never be too prepared before starting a new save on Football Manager.
How to Contribute
Please reply to this post saying which team(s) you are willing to write a guide for. From there, I'll speak with you directly to assign the guide to you and set a timeline for delivery.
If you have any questions, either talk to me on live chat or send me a PM.