C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam2\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2017\data\sigfx\stadiums
the section on outside scenes and ads undergraphics I am surprised people are not modifying as they did in FIFA manager. I am new to FM, have not been here since Champ Manager and are impressed by the game physics. I am back because if the England down to level 23 patch since I like to begin an England club at about Level 13 or lower where its a group of people playing in the Park with no FA ground rules. At level 12 you need a rope round the pitch and or picket fence &nd changing sheds. Its easy to just take out all the files and get a standless ground. The ads can be modified with a picket fence using paint. So I am reasonably happy to have a realistic starting ground. Ill be putting in the loverly rusted roofs from 16 once I need a stand.
the section on outside scenes and ads undergraphics I am surprised people are not modifying as they did in FIFA manager. I am new to FM, have not been here since Champ Manager and are impressed by the game physics. I am back because if the England down to level 23 patch since I like to begin an England club at about Level 13 or lower where its a group of people playing in the Park with no FA ground rules. At level 12 you need a rope round the pitch and or picket fence &nd changing sheds. Its easy to just take out all the files and get a standless ground. The ads can be modified with a picket fence using paint. So I am reasonably happy to have a realistic starting ground. Ill be putting in the loverly rusted roofs from 16 once I need a stand.