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How do you edit/combine/create leagues

Started on 13 December 2016 by ripamaru96
Latest Reply on 14 December 2016 by claham
  • POSTS3
  • VIEWS12487
Sorry for the stupid question. i have several ideas for creating my ideal game world but not the first clue how to make it happen.

Obviously it is possible (love the merging of Belgium/Netherlands for example, maybe not the league name).

I want to do more consolidation to strengthen the chances of the smaller leagues.

(Yes, I understand why politics would prevent a lot of the mergers in every case, on top of FIFA/UEFA requiring national leagues)

(Note: all names just prelim, would come up with better)

Scandinavian League - Norway/Denmark/Sweden/Finland

Central League - Switzerland/Austria/Hungary/Czech Republic/Slovakia

Balkin League - Slovenia/Croatia/Bosnia H/Serbia/Montenegro/Macedonia/Kosovo/Albania

If you get the idea.....

I have always wanted to remove Euskadi (Basque Country) from Spain/France, Catalonia along with it's former land in France's Pyrenees-Orientales, and Aragon just to keep from having a gap in between.......

Is it possible to create new countries in this way? It would be a fun challenge to set up and have new national teams maybe??
Not one out of 47 people can answer a question that clearly has a good answer seeing how I am playing with a combined Belgian Pro/Eredivisie downloaded from this site....

I would appreciate the help.
I think SI games forum Editors Hideaway is a good place to get answer for this.

In the pre-game editor it isn't possible to create/add a new nation. But you can edit an existing one.

I did in FM15 a Scandinavian league based in Sweden. Changed the teams and cities of Norway and Denmark to be based in Sweden etc.

There is things that is kind of strange. Even if you enhance the "new nation" in almost every department it's like they are not fully aware of the new context. E.g. they rather sell players they need than giving them a better salary etc. It takes some years to grow into the new suit.

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