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Is there any way to remove hard brexit from an FMT 2017 save?

Started on 9 January 2017 by riskywhat
Latest Reply on 9 January 2017 by riskywhat
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  • VIEWS7146
I like to play FM by taking a small team up through the English leagues, finding talented young EU players and developing them then selling at a profit. Hard brexit has made this impossible. Really poor design choice not letting us choose our brexit scenario IMO. We don't know how it will work IRL and I think it's highly unlikely that there won't be some exception for footballers, even if we do end up having a hard brexit. I'm 4 seasons into my game so I have already invested a lot time in it, and really don't want to restart and pray for a soft brexit. I could just end up getting unlucky and having a hard brexit again.

Is there any way to remove this using a save game editor? Obviously being an Football Manager Touch save game I can't use the normal editor. Is there any other way I can do this? I am playing on iPad but I don't mind buying the PC version of FMT and using cross save if it means I don't need to restart the whole game.

I know I could just use the remove work permits unlockable but I really don't want an unfair advantage over the AI managers. It would lessen the sense of achievement when I win the Premier League / Champions League etc. with my team.

Any help would be appreciated.
Ok I managed to do it. You can use the "agreements" tab on a nation in FMRTE 2017 to add an agreement with the EU. Worked perfectly. I did have to buy the PC version but it only took a few minutes to do so you can just request a steam refund afterwards.

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