It was a slow day in the forests around Emmen. Even with the weather up in the high twenties, there were no girls in bikini's, and that was a disappointment. I decided to call my buddy Nico. "Hey Nico, I need something to do, and no guy this time. I'd like to have a bit more work this time than a 5 minute job." On the other end of the line Nico was smiling. "I think this will be more of a challenge, and it will take a bit more time before you can finish this one." "OK, cool, where do we meet?"
About 30 minutes later I was waiting in Barger-Oosterveld, before I got picked up by Nico. When he came driving in his Fiat 500, he honked, and I stepped in. "Well, what is this about?" Nico had a devilish grin on his face, and said "Remember when we jokingly talked about that you could do a better job at FC Emmen? I talked to the director and it is time to do exactly that"
You could have a whale drop from the sky, Jennifer Lopez could be farting flowers, Putin would come out as Gay, or NASA could have found extra-terrestial life, and I still wouldnt be more surprised or shocked to hear those words come out of the mouth of Nico Koolen. After a few beers we were always reflecting the bad performerances of the only proffessional club in this state, but damn, I didnt expect that he was able to arrange this. Welps, Its time to man up and face this challenge.