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Started on 27 January 2010 by l3nnart
Latest Reply on 5 February 2010 by l3nnart
  • POSTS7
  • VIEWS8965
inspierd by the by now, faomus "big dreams" bolg, i decided to start a new game with no job, no rep and no editors. the onley utlity i use us my best friend in the world, the geine scout !
anyway, after applying for atleast a hundred jobs for almost a year i was about to give up. but then out of no where Leyton Orient came and gave me a 2 year deal (though it was onley about 5 games left of the first year). anyway i saw it as a great oppurtunity to show off some of my skills. boy was i wrong.
the last games of the first season didn't really mean anything as we were a real midtabletam. anyway we came of with 4 wins and 1 loss or someting like that.

the next season i set me boardexpectations at upper halft evan though i was pretty sure we would make it to the playoffs. picking up some young talented free tranfers put me in a good position for the leuge kick off.
after a slow start with a 4-7-1 record and an 8th place in the leuge i was pretty satesfied. but then someting happened and we began to win, alot ! towards the end of the season i had a 10-1-1 making me the champion 3 games ahead of the season end, the board was extatic.

everyone was expecting a tuff season but once again i was confident eaven though i was ranked 20th by media. before the start of the season i had managed to get a shead load of talent on the team with players as Raubi Ibrahim, Nikäo, luis angel ladin, anton alexeev, caldriola, tagliani, christian montgomery (a 15year old regen from hull who cost me 4 mill but had insane talent and i knew he would be worth the cash), piermario morosini.
anyway, once again we were off to a bit a slow start just haning on to the last playoff spot (allthough that was a big acomplishment) . the biggest moment of the season was proabably my 1-2 win over Man United at Old Trafford in the cup !!! I got Chelsea at Stamford Bridge the next round and was killed off by them thoug.
anyway, with about 10 games to go i wasn't really in the clear, i was about 5 points above the last playoff spot and had 10 points to hull who where on top of the table. but right about here Angel Ladin came to life and showed we i brought him on my roster. he scored 15 goals in the last 10 games as we crushed everyone including bolton, hull, wigan and wolves, and all of a sudden we had won the championship and were a premiere division side !! eaven more amazing was the fact that i had i 16year old, two 17 yearold , one 18 yearold and another 3 or 4 players under 21 when i was promoted.

going in for my first season in the premiership i thoght that it would be a constant struggle. but after picking up Riquelme on a free tranfer and invested in carlos navarro, a great young keeper. insaneley enough i'm currentley in 8th place and still a little dissapointed in a few games ! i'm on top of the world and the club and my only consern is that the club is kind of underdeveloped (my arena was just rebuilt and takes a maximum of 12000 and yet i have a problem filling the seats) but thans to the TV money we are making amlost 2 mill a month... worth mentioning in that my soon to be 17 yearold Montgomery scored 6 goals in the first 5 leuge games and Nikäo has come to life with 5 (!) goals against Sunderland.
will post as soon as i've won my first big trophy
Your doing very well at the moment, I like the way you started from basics & went old school with the start "unemployed". 8th in the premierleague it brilliant and my only advice is make sure your squad has enough strength and depth to cope with injures, cup games and to support the first team essentially. But so far well done. :D
Also try and make your story updates easier to read by using colours and headings, it would look better
thanks man , i'll try and think about youre tips !

well , after yet another great sprint at the end of the season i managed to finish at 4th place ! my 17 year old Montogery was voted next best player in the leuge and scored the most golas of them all (he eaven bacame europes best scorer)!

After beating FC Kobenhaven in the qualifyers I've managed to get a stop in the Champins Leuge ! and thans to the leuge positioning combined with an improved sponsor contract i had a amazing tranferbudget of £50 mil ! ( i had 10 the season before). this year i'm ecxpecting atleast antoher top 4 positioning eaven though i haven't set the bar that high with my board.

during the off-season i've picked up Steven Defour, Nicholas Otamendi, Matias Fernandez and Sandro. If everything works as planned and Montgomery and Nikäo on top does as well as last year, I'm confident that we'll have atleast one big trophy in the next 2 seasons.

by the way one of my most lethal wepons has been the 4-4-2 diamond "invicibili" tactic, so big ups to the dude who uploaded it !
I also want to give a shout out to SG, there's waaaay to many bugs, my game can crash 10-15 times while trying to play one game !
Would love to hear more about that tactic you're using, never heard of it.

Some excellent buys there, all have great futures ahead of them

Keep it up! theres the link to the 4-4-2 diamond tactic

I will upload screen shots of all my transfers, line up and so on as soon as i have a faster internetconnection
FM_MUFC's avatar Group FM_MUFC
15 yearsEdited
l3nnart : theres the link to the 4-4-2 diamond tactic

I will upload screen shots of all my transfers, line up and so on as soon as i have a faster internetconnection

cheers, I can never get a 4-4-2 diamond tactic right, and I love playing it, although I've almost perfected my 4-5-1(IMO FM's best tactic). I'll give it a go & see how it works out :beer

Also Otamendi is a great signings, so solid at the back and his PA is something like 196
And so, yet another season has passed by...
The leuge preformance was a bit inconcistent, for expamle I crushed Arsenal, Man Utd and Chelsea both games while i failed to beat Leeds eaven once (they finished last with 15p or someting like that).
At the end i finished at 3d place, atleast a little improvment from last years 4th.
I also managed to bring my first real trophy, the Legue Cup, not to shabby eyy !
The thing I'm most proud of is our great adventure in Europe, we made it to the semifinals in the freaking Champions Leuge !!! but once there, Man City kicked us the hell out big time ! They did the same thing in the FA Cup semifinals.

Ovarall another great season, though i still feel that i have a lot of untapped potential left, Sandro, Defour and my strikers all have alot to prove this upcoming season!

Thanks to all the prize- and tvmoney I've once again had i nice transferbudget. I've aquierd the services of Christian Zapata, my favourit CB in the intire game ! Also thinks that he will be a perfect match with Otamendi whose onley slight weekness is his physique. I've also bought Wellington Silva, a pacy and lethal forward who i think will work well with my strong but slow wonderkid Montgomery.
Last and mabey least I've brought on Albin Ekdal. Not a superstar by any means but works pretty hard and keeps the ball flowing through my midfield.

With these last signings I guess my team is pretty much compleated for the next 4 years or so, not kidding ! I have the youngest squad in the leuge by far (my oldest player in the line-up is 27). As soon as they find eachother proparley the medlas will roll in. The onley downside in the longtime perspective at the moment is the 200+€ I have to pay off the next 24months due to payments on transfers. But since I'm so happy with my squad it doesn't really bother me.

Well looking forward to the new season and expecting atleast another top 4 placing, hoping for a win and guessing a second place :P
Will post again as soon as something interesting happens

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