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Team Guides - The Premier League

Started on 9 November 2017 by Aaron
Latest Reply on 9 November 2017 by Aaron
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS11148
Hey guys, first of all thank you for taking the time to read this. Even if you decide not to participate, it really does mean a lot and helps too!

So why am I writing this? Basically, this Team Guides forum is currently empty and I'm making it my mission to fill it up as best I can with as many guides as possible however I can't do this alone as I don't have such time on my hands.

All you need is a passion for writing and a know how for bbcodes and anything else a neat and well presented article requires.

My hope is to have at least 5 people including myself working together to do a Team Guide for each premier league team on FM18. We will be able to split the workload to roughly four teams each and could hopefully have them done fairly quickly. If all goes well and to plan, we can continue making guides for the other larger leagues in Europe, and elsewhere if it comes to that.

Thank you for reading, like I said it means a lot. If you are interested in helping out and you're an active member on the site please leave a comment down below saying you'd wish to join and we can discuss things further when we have at least 5 people down!

Cheers, Aaron

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