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Premier League Online

Looking for reliable people (English speaking only)
Started on 18 February 2018 by NerdyLover
Latest Reply on 17 May 2019 by jowo89
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS5161
Hey folks! I'm trying to start an online gamesave (Prem only), the save will start on the 20th Feb 6pm GMT so you have time to 'sign up'. Add me on Steam at NerdyLover. Message me with your club request (Man City reserved by host) and i'll make sure to set a spot aside for you :D Club reservations will work on a 1st come 1st serve basis. When the save is up and running I will DM you the server name and password so you can select your team.
If demand is high enough I will enable the championship so we can get as many people on as possible!!
I'll do it
Im in let me know
I'm interested !!!

is it still up to date ?

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