2018-04-02 23:20#248798 CapsLock007 :
Hi. I started to play Ipswich and I did my tactic. But I have a little problem with individual commands. I just want balance, discipline, possesion, fluidity and restricting opponent as much as possible, but I don't know how to do it without any corruption
Help please
And sorry for my language but English is not my main language.
EDIT: I forgot to upload my team instructions and formation with roles 
Ok, these are just my thoughts and not gospel, but this is how a 'read;' your question and the tactic you posted.
So, you want balance in your tactic - it looks like you have, because of the roles/duties matching each side, but it only LOOKS that way, because of the roles/duties you have selected. Sounds confusing, so let me try and explain.
You want to achieve discipline and fluidity? Well, as I understand it, more fluid means your players will roam from position more to make themselves available to receive the ball, but this is, in effect, ill-discplined. A disciplined side will stick to position more and contribute only to their assigned duty (Defend/Support/Attack).
So think about how you want to achieve the discipline and how you want the fluidity - they may not be compatible as players in a fluid system roam from position, and therefore take longer to get back in position when defending. This leaves space for opponents to exploit.
You have two BBM and one RPM in the midfield - all three of these roles are extremely mobile - the BBMs bomb up and down the pitch vertically, while the Roaming Playmaker does just that - roams around all over. There is no cover in midfield as result.
The DM is also a wanderer, the BWM will chase the ball all over because that is what he needs to do to win it back.
If he does win it back, the FBs are legging it upfield on an attack duty, leaving your DCs exposed (especially if the BBMs and RPM have wandered off forward as well.
Essentially you have a very fluid formation but this will leave space vulnerable during the transition, you need to firm it up a bit so you can transition from Attacking to Defending quickly.
On a Standard mentality, I would look to have maybe two or three Attack duties, and certainly more Defend duties. Attacking FBs makes sense to provide width and crosses, so with the four man midfield, look for 2 Defend and two Support duties, at least one of which is a sitting or holding midfielder. A DLP on Defend duty perhaps. One BBM to support the two strikers. Perhaps a Mezzala instead of RPM, very useful on Attack or Support to exploit the space behind the strikers. (With four bodies centrally you can afford to have an Attack duty bursting out of midfield, but it is important to have a holding player here)
Strikers are OK, except perhaps put the DLF on a Support duty to drop a little deeper and connect the midfield to the attack.
That way you have players in between the opposition lines and can exploit space a bit better.
On to the TIs - Nothing too bad here, although I'm not sure why you have Play Wider selected, it's a narrow formation, width from the fullbacks can come from Look for Overlap.
Retain Possession and Pass Into Space can work against each other. Retain Possession is essentially a pass-to-feet instruction - pass into space is the opposite.
Very Fluid and Be More Disciplined can also work against each other, especially with "roam From Positions excluded as Very Fluid means they should roam.
Sounds long-winded, and it is only my thoughts on what you presented, so I hope it helps.