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Online leagues on FM2008

Started on 4 April 2010 by WadzillaBhoy
Latest Reply on 7 April 2010 by
  • POSTS6
  • VIEWS8224
Hey I've never managed to play this game online, would love to but don't know any IP addresses of any leagues. If there are any still running I'd love to take part if there is space.

Cheers Andy
2008 is a long time ago :D . Would you also play FM2010 online?
Yeah tell me about it my laptop is so shit FM2009 struggles to run. I havent gotten round to getting FM2010 yet but need to get a new pc first. Have never been able to play FM2008 online up until now. Only just understand how hamachi works! But when I get FM2010 will definatly be up for joining a league. Was a memeber of FM Live but lots of people left my gameworld so I havent bothered renuing plus the only reason why I signed up in the first place was because I wanted to play against other people but most of the time I was playing against A.I. So yeah anyway anyone interested in starting up a FM2008 league or if someone already has one running I dont mind joining late in the game. But yeah I doubt anyone actually still plays FM2008! : 2008 is a long time ago :D . Would you also play FM2010 online?
i would play
We are a German Online League for the Football Manager of SI, NOW for three years ago. Our online sessions are on Monday and Friday from 18:00 to 22:00 o'clock (MET). I do not think that the language is a problem, but we can have a lot of fun together. If you want, join us on and lets have a look whats happen. :D
Everyone else is also invited.)

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