Right im a massive fan of Sports Interactive games. I am looking to purchase one of the old championship managers back when they were made by SI which i believe is pre-05. But I havent played any of them in a long while and I cant even remember what game it was that i played so i am looking for any advice as to what one to buy? From either a previous experience or know of someone who rated an old one. Thanks
For the most people cm 01 - 02 is named as the best championship manager ever made...
For myself it was cm 00-01, but that was just the experience and all the trophys i won with it...
It's funny cus 2weeks ago i had the same 'feeling' that you have
Just wanted to feel the old cm agian,
Ended rather disappointing for me.
I feld a bit hopeless when i lost, could'nt turn things around with the few tactical options.
But it was fun doing again, but i'll stick to football manager 2010:yes
And about the purchase, no needed:
First link is to the page itself, but that download button doesn't seem to work...
Seccond link is a post in the comments, with a direct link to the file...
Soo a legal download to cm 01-02, how bout that:D!
Hope you have xp, cus i tested it on my laptop that has xp and that worked...
No problem, but with vista or 7 you might have problems running it...
What i did do was change the compatibility and run it as windows 98, else i'd get a error.