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Do i need patch

Started on 6 February 2008 by Jelenko 90
Latest Reply on 10 February 2008 by Bole_
  • POSTS34
  • VIEWS25955
do i need patch so can i play FM 2008 online because i didn`t instal game with original disc
it depends.

you dont have to have the latest patch to play online. BUT if your mate for an exampel starts a game and he has the latest patch and you dont. then you wont be able to play.

but if you start a game(online) then the one who will connect to you has to have the same version.

i hope you get it.
ko sto bismo mi rekli pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume :)

Red Army for the KEY PLAYER :)
Bole_ : ko sto bismo mi rekli pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume :)

Red Army for the KEY PLAYER :)

that i agree with.

but the first bit i didnt understand...secret talking again eh...

Bole_ : ko sto bismo mi rekli pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume :)
to je moj covek,nego bole odakle si ti?
and who is your favorite team.
ovo sam napisao da bi se solidarisali sa njima.
RedArmy20 :
Bole_ : ko sto bismo mi rekli pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume :)

Red Army for the KEY PLAYER :)

that i agree with.

but the first bit i didnt understand...secret talking again eh...

you wouldn`t get it anyway
ko sto bismo mi rekli pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume=who hundred Bismarck me rekli pricaj Serbian yes you entire nepoznato comprehend?

I got some of it!
good for you (blago tebi) anderstand
ok enough of chat can somebody tell me where to find a patch because i cant find him enywere
pa imas patch na ovom sajtu.
you have patch on this site.:)

for Jelenko 90 - iz Kraljeva , hehe iskreno draza mi je Zvezda,ali i nisam pratio u zadnje vreme,sad postaje zanimljivo sa ovim hapsenjima :)
kraljevo-knjazevac to je tu blizu vazno da je u srbiju,ali si se zajebo sto si zvezdas to ti je zivotna greska.a ni ja nisam mogo da verujem za dzaju,za piksija i tako.
sorry because of this every body who doesn`t know serbian:)
nice to meet you by the way.:)

why why...english please...or swedish=D:p:p
hhee ma nisam se zajebao,jer nisam zvezdas,samo su mi drazi od partizana i nista vise(sto ne znaci da nikad ne navijam za partizan,npr u evropi uvek za domace).a najvise volim Napredak :))

by the way,there is nothing interesting,and i do not have the will to write it in english....sorry everybody,this is something between jelenko and me :)
Bole_ : hhee ma nisam se zajebao,jer nisam zvezdas,samo su mi drazi od partizana i nista vise(sto ne znaci da nikad ne navijam za partizan,npr u evropi uvek za domace).a najvise volim Napredak :))

by the way,there is nothing interesting,and i do not have the will to write it in english....sorry everybody,this is something between jelenko and me :)

ohh so its private:wink

hows the date going with jelenko=D

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