Looking for a few people to get a save going, as we have a lot more time than usual atm due to various lock downs. Please leave your steam name or profile code and I will add you so we can get it going.
we have 3 players already in a save..nat league..going to pre season 2 tonight...faster play..good pace..season in a week or less....message me on skype kevy3480 or kev.13 on steam
I added u
2020-03-25 15:33#267951 mattheworchard2014 : Looking for a few people to get a save going, as we have a lot more time than usual atm due to various lock downs. Please leave your steam name or profile code and I will add you so we can get it going.
add: 382152553
IM Interested
louismarcus or maddog729 is the account
louismarcus or maddog729 is the account
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