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MLS and USA leagues

What are the squad rules?
Started on 9 July 2020 by Spanners
Latest Reply on 9 July 2020 by Spanners
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS3109
Can anyone explain to me in quick bullet points what are the squad rules for a team in the MLS.

I just took over at L.A Galaxy and i am confused.
Anyone else playing an MLS team on here? Or anyone played it before and understands the transfer/squad system?
a little help here guys would be much appreciated.

if there is no MLS managers on here you guys know a forum for only MLS ?
hey man while i don't know anything about mls in youtube there's a channel gray hair gaming who is doing a relegation ranger save in episode 24 he's started an inter miami save where he has explained almost every rule
in transfers
2020-07-09 17:34#275929 reuben sequeira : hey man while i don't know anything about mls in youtube there's a channel gray hair gaming who is doing a relegation ranger save in episode 24 he's started an inter miami save where he has explained almost every rule
in transfers

Awesome bro ...thanks a bunch. I will take a look.

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