2020-07-18 17:29#276338 Darkonn :
2020-07-18 10:52#276326 dmcgrath82 :
2020-07-17 20:42#276311 Darkonn :
I have a doubt ... The mentality of Knap's Black Echo tactics is to ATTACK correct? Do I need to change my mindset during the game? Because I leave to ATTACK from the beginning to the end of the game.
You may notice after the first season, it is slightly less effective as AI gets a bit wiser to way you play and adjusts its tactics accordingly.
It's true, I realized that. What do you usually change?
I'm a bit unsure of the answer at the moment. Tried changing tactics, making my own, changing memories on one's I've used before. Had a bad stay to this season. Then I have reverted back to Bad company, and tweaking it, some teams just park the bus as we were pretty free scoring last season, bigger teams fight fire with fire, so been trying to adjust mentalities, hit bigger teams on the counter, and winger teams who set up defensively, changing mentality to try coax them out, then swap to more attacking. All in theory of course, had some triumphs, and some disasters