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Interesting Article on the Guardian Website

Started on 2 November 2010 by lloydinho12
Latest Reply on 3 November 2010 by joannes3000
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don't know what he is on about. i mean there are so called "fun" "arcade" games.

of course you can cheat on FM now. But im quite sure most of us who have played it for a long time still love the originalty of it.

I mean tbh FM is a "simulation" game. not an arcade and it is supposed to become as difficult as possible and realistic to RL as possible. Because when you manage a team its not supposed to be easy and just playing through for the fun of it.

I love football so much that i like the challenge. if i want FUn and arcade i play FIFA or PES.

But as it goes for driving games, there are some games which are ultra realistic and you really need to be good to play it and do the car settings etc to become better.

FM is a simulation of football and it's not supposed to be "fun". BUT it is fun for us who love FOOTBALL. I am supposed to be able to do analysis and such, make small changes to my tactics to be able to beat the other team rather than just easily beating everyone.

i mean if u still want fun u can cheat a bit and not give much attention to details and still end up going trhough the game quick and with more fun.

I admit for those who have played the game since a long time back we miss a bit of the fun. But we always thought about how it would be with more realism as that is what this game is based on. and real life everyday of management isnt fun. but if you love football going through the small stuff just to find that extra 1% improvement, then you will love the depth and realism of the game which is now.
I absolutely agree. Football manager is a SIM, not a fun game. if you want a fun game, by all means play FIFA.
I prefer to play FM because its a challenge.
Challenges are fun for me. That's why I've fallen in love with the FM series. I've played plenty of sports simulations before, but FM takes the cake by an absolute landslide.

I agree with redarmy - if I want to play arcade style football I'll play FIFA.

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