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recent updates not working

FM 2020 + FM Scout 20g
Started on 19 September 2020 by applecor1952
Latest Reply on 19 September 2020 by Stam
  • POSTS3
  • VIEWS2934
both FM20 and GS 20g updated to 20.4.2 - but GS can't find my game. Any suggestions?
I am having the same issue. Was working. Then Steam did an update and its no longer working.
Using Genie for 20.4.2 version that I uploaded today.
There was a hotfix patch last night (Sep 18th), also named 20.4.2 which is confusing. SI tried to fix the problems they caused with the initial 20.4.2 patch (from Sep 17th). Ironically problems remain, so it's likely to see yet another patch on Monday.

GS and FMSE will need to be updated again. Please be patient.

You are reading "recent updates not working".

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