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Football Manager 2020 Performance

Started on 19 September 2020 by DMMacdonald
Latest Reply on 22 September 2020 by dmcgrath82
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DMMacdonald's avatar Group DMMacdonald
4 yearsEdited
Hi folks, apologies if this question has been asked ten million times before but when I look online for this, I see different answers.

I'm just wondering what the best methods are to improve performance on Football Manager on my laptop. I have an Acer Aspire A315-21 with 4GB RAM and a processor of 1.8GHz. No SSD.

Is there anyway to improve the GHz without going inside the laptop? I am thinking of buying an SSD for the laptop anyway. But would I be better of upgrading the laptop to one with a better GHz and larger RAM or just buy a PC?

If I was to buy a PC, not a monitor, just something like this (ideally not refurbished)
could I plug the laptop with a USB into this?

Apologies for the what is possibly ridiculously stupid questions but any help and support would be appreciated.
You could upgrade the laptop you already have by installing more RAM and a SSD. It would cost less than getting a new laptop.

I think you can have up to 12GB of RAM on this particular laptop. Add a SSD at least 120GB and you're all set. The parts individually are cheap.

For example a single DIMM of a 8GB RAM would cost like 25 gbp, and a 240GB SSD would go for another 30 gbp. Plus whatever cost a local shop would charge you to install them (let's say another 50?).
Sorry to geg in, but having similar prob, but am running 10 leagues from 5 countries. I have an ASUS DESKTOP-IHS5476 2.2GHZ 8 GB RAM. but wops like it to run faster. I am a complete tech novice. What would you recommend?

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