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Football Manager 2021 Beta

youtube/twitch interaction
Started on 10 November 2020 by Ramageee
Latest Reply on 13 November 2020 by Stam
  • POSTS7
  • VIEWS6940
Hey ! Happy FM21 Beta day !!

Check out my youtube channel ! JOURNEYMAN SEASON 1 -

looking to interact with fellow fm'ers

also stream 4 days a week ! again looking to build something and interact with people who love FM !!


Pre ordered the Touch version but sadly found out there will be no Beta, very disappointed

Is there anyway of getting a refund and ill then buy the full version and play it straight away ?
@Healy: SI never announced FM Touch wouldn't receive Beta access, and they didn't inform us the release date for all Touch versions is being moved to December 1st.
Someone noticed the date on Steam and asked on SI forums, so they had to admit but still no announcement. We announced it on Twitter 2 days ago.
Regarding getting a refund, I've asked Gamesplanet and this is what they told me:
Yes, the email needs to state it clearly "I want to get FM instead of Touch". What we do is that we credit of the FM touch price their account and they can buy FM by paying just the difference.
Not sure it I follow this right.

I also bought FM21 with Touch 21. However Gamesplanet said the Touch 21 is s freebie, and therefore not entitled to refund.
@Pierce: FM Touch can be purchased as a standalone game. In that case a refund would make sense.
As a free bonus of the FM21 preorder, it makes no sense to refund. Refund what exactly?
I bought my copy of Touch through this site

What way do i go about getting it refunded/credited so i can buy the full version ?
@Healy: Please send an email to [email protected] and say "I want to get FM instead of Touch" - also give them your order number to speed things up.

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