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FM21 Online mode

Looking for a few games weekly
Started on 28 November 2020 by AdJones1991
Latest Reply on 24 January 2021 by Dnewall6
  • POSTS15
  • VIEWS8427
Hi all, this Wednesday a couple of us want to start an online career mode for fun of course, we have a discord group which has a dedicated FM page where we will setup some rules just to keep it fair, it'll be no top 6 teams just so we all have a budget which is nearly the same.

If anyone is interest i will send an invite to the discord and you can say you're interested


just noticed like an idiot this is in FM20 not 21, i'll repost in right one
Hi can i have an invite?
howdy, id love some more details on this as im keen.

what timezone is it?? and how does it work exactly?
Hello mate I'm up for this
I want to join
Hi guys,
If you send me your discord names with the #xxxx then i will add you then put you in the discord
AdJones, im new to figuring out discord. is this what you want
2020-12-02 17:52#279553 White84 : AdJones, im new to figuring out discord. is this what you want

spot on, i've added you
Hey I'm interested, my discord is Ollman#5463
hi guys i'm interested to join discord is danyj7#1948
Hi guys,

if it is not too late ... i want to join.
Would be my first online game (hope its ok).
discord Ricky44
Camchesie's avatar Group Camchesie
4 yearsEdited
Hi, I'm wanting in please.

Discord Cbag#0866
If you haven't started yet my discord is nihatgoker#0234
I would like to join if it's not too late
If your still letting people join i would love to my discord username is


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