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New business, new team, new brand

A team is born... like RB e City Group?
Started on 13 January 2021 by KoliStussy
Latest Reply on 14 January 2021 by MidKnightDreary
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KoliStussy's avatar Group KoliStussy
4 yearsEdited
Hello to all sports friends of the group. As always, like every year, I am looking for ways to increase playability on FM. This year I came up with the unhealthy idea of creating a brand and a database following the Red Bull style (and all its teams) and the City group: starting from Salerno and eventually incorporating the Salernitana, I ask you to give me an idea to link a brand to the name of the city-team: for example, like Red Bull Salerno, Salerno City ... I had thought of the Hilton brand (hotel chain) and then> Hilton Salerno, Hilton Ghana, Hilton Cruzeiro etc ... or Amazon... please, I'm curious to know your ideas

Maybe this is too obvious, or some could argue it's already going on, but Nike / Adidas. Red Bull is associated with sporting events so the tie in seem natural, same with a Nike / Adidas type company.

Apple - All the kits are white and cost ten times what you would normally spend.
Alphabet / Google
Saudi Aramco - SA's answer to City Group.
Other ideas?

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