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Skin Help

Started on 23 November 2010 by mimis13
Latest Reply on 16 February 2011 by Aurelius
  • POSTS20
  • VIEWS40127
Hey guys!
i'm posting in here because i beleive you can help me solve the problem i have.
The thing is, i use Steklo X skin. It's a great skin, but the match controls menu is missing. It only appears as a bar menu when viewing TV view. I need to put menu controls box in the menu tree. take a look at the pics

In the screens I see the skins Flex and 2007 I think. Anyway, Steklo's author said:
"If they used to be in the bottom end of the sidebar, there's an issue with the game that will hopefully be fixed before too long."
He believes it's a problem with FM, not with his skin.
Does it work properly with Flex?
Yeah, the screens aren't proper...i found then on internet, too lazy to create screens on my own. Anyways, when i use dominion skin,the match controls box appears as it should.Yet i beleive steklo skin is quite different from other skins, that's why i think it's skin's problem, not FM problem. Today, i experienced another crush, second this week, so i will not play untill the next patch. My season was going great, but i hate playing same matches twice. Tnx, for the reply ...we will discuss this issue later, if the problem still appears with the new patch.see ya
I wonder if anyone can help me? I am looking for a skin that has the Overview Options on the squad screen. Im used to useing the Overview view squad postion and you see ur squad in 2 rows. Can anyone help me please?
i have same problem and i fixed here before match:

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