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2 sugestions: Best Eleven and ratings for roles

Update feature with best rating per role
Started on 9 December 2021 by semideias
Latest Reply on 9 December 2021 by semideias
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS1643

I have two suggestions which probably were already addressed, but i think its good to highlight them again:

- The first one would be to be able to update ratings per roles just like we have right now per position. This way i can give more priority to certain attributes to a Mezzalla and other priorities to a Center Midfielder, for example.
- I know that Genie already has a feature to pick up the best eleven squad with a certain tactic but would it be possible to adjust to the roles? For example, I play with an 2 CMs (one Mezzalla and an DLP), however as we know, the most important attributes for those two roles are different, and right now Genie Scout is assuming that both positions are the same (CMs)

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