This error usually occurs when you are running on Windows N, the Windows KN operating system, which does not include some media features required for Football Manager. Sometimes this can also happen to users on older Windows 7/10 versions which don't have the latest updates installed.
To install the required media features, please follow the link below and select your particular Windows system to install the required files. Once you complete the installation, this error should no longer appear.
If you do not know which Windows Operating System you have, press the Windows key + "r" or enter within the Windows search bar the following "winver" (without the quotes).
This should bring up a window with a version number followed by a OS Build number.
If your Build Number is not listed on the above article, install the Media Feature Pack by following the below steps:
Navigate to Settings > Apps > Apps and features > Optional features > Add a feature, and then locate Media Feature Pack in the list of available optional features.
To install the required media features, please follow the link below and select your particular Windows system to install the required files. Once you complete the installation, this error should no longer appear.
Media Feature Pack list for Windows N editions:
If you do not know which Windows Operating System you have, press the Windows key + "r" or enter within the Windows search bar the following "winver" (without the quotes).

This should bring up a window with a version number followed by a OS Build number.
If your Build Number is not listed on the above article, install the Media Feature Pack by following the below steps:
Navigate to Settings > Apps > Apps and features > Optional features > Add a feature, and then locate Media Feature Pack in the list of available optional features.

Note: Although you are not prompted to restart your computer, you must restart in order to successfully complete installation of the Media Feature Pack.
Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N: