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Returning player with doubts... Please advice

Started on 18 December 2022 by PzSniper
Latest Reply on 18 December 2022 by Lowoctave
  • POSTS2
  • VIEWS1206
Good evening everyone,

I am a fan of the series and played all the episodes until Football manager 2018 then for personal reasons I stopped.
I'm considering playing this amazing game again but I have a doubt.
Do you think it is better to buy the 2023 version or the 2022 one? Taking into account I haven't played for a long time, could you list the most important news compared to 2018?

Thank you in advance
2023 has revamped scouting.. since 2018 they've introduced a data hub.

Match engine is slightly better when it comes to animation but the graphics are worse.

Fm20 was my first one since fm11. If I had to do it all over, I'd just get the latest one, if money allows. Just for the constant new content from the fm community.

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