Trying to install Release 6.3.1 Beta causes the software to default to uninstall/repair screen upon clicking install. Error message appears when trying to repair. (0x80070490 - Element not found)
Edit:- Noticed that the version I am on looking at the top of the FMSE23 window say v6.3.1 however the update window seems to say im on and should be updating to (6.3.1 Beta)
2nd Edit:- Devs seem aware of the situation, should hopefully be patched today if it's an easy fix.
Edit:- Noticed that the version I am on looking at the top of the FMSE23 window say v6.3.1 however the update window seems to say im on and should be updating to (6.3.1 Beta)
2nd Edit:- Devs seem aware of the situation, should hopefully be patched today if it's an easy fix.