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Databases using FM24

will they work with the save game compatibility
Started on 8 October 2023 by UKFootballScore
Latest Reply on 9 October 2023 by UKFootballScore
  • POSTS3
  • VIEWS4709
Do we reckon the Save Game compatibility will work when using Custom Databases on FM24, because my curretn FM23 save is using my own custom Super League and hope to be able to use it..

side note would be that will open up the ability to just use a FM23 custom database for FM24 which will be cool too
I believe that should work. You should be able to import any FM23 save into FM24, including ones using custom databases.
2023-10-08 21:04#293894 Stam : I believe that should work. You should be able to import any FM23 save into FM24, including ones using custom databases.

yeah thats what i'm hoping will be the case...

if so then we can set up stuff for databases to be used as saves for FM24 use

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