I have been using these 2 to search for players. But some things got me confused.
For example,
in Scoutmeister player X has Rating: 63 Target man.
Player Y has Rating 63 Target man.
in Genie Scout player X has Rating 49.44% TS
Player Y has rating 70.6% TS
Why the discrepancy?
Scoutmeister treats the key role attributes equally when calculating the ratings, whereas Genie Scout has weighted the attributes, meaning some attribute will be taken more into consideration than some other attribute.
Genie works with 1.3, whereas scoutmeister does not.
I have developed a new rating system which adds more value to very low stats, so the other stats don't compensate as easily (Who wants a good defender with 1 on Tackling?). And I am currently working on a formula to predict the future stats of a player.
Would you be interested to implement these features, Meister?
None of the tools are the same, because all of the makers calculate in there own way.
I always used Genie, because i think its calculate it in the right way, never dissapointed me with a future calculation/rating.