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bought fm genie scout g but no key

Started on 21 August 2024 by kaosbey
Latest Reply on 22 August 2024 by silverlux
It's been about 1 hour and I still haven't received the file with the key in my gmail. I checked everywhere including the spam folder in my gmail but I still haven't received an e-mail. by the way, I am writing with translation, sorry if there are spelling mistakes.
2024-08-21 16:44#298610 kaosbey : It's been about 1 hour and I still haven't received the file with the key in my gmail. I checked everywhere including the spam folder in my gmail but I still haven't received an e-mail. by the way, I am writing with translation, sorry if there are spelling mistakes.

it has been 2 days for me now and there is no response on the e-mail address provided .. so yeah, seems we got bamboozled by a service that is no longer provided or maintained

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