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Football Manager 2020

How do I play this version (FM20)
Started on 15 November 2024 by goodersjr
Latest Reply on 3 January 2025 by FranklinBryant
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS799
I got this version of the game on epic games when it was free a few years back. I want to download and play it again.

I’m currently unable to pay for a newer version. I’ve not played it much and so I’m OK with FM20. The last time I played it regularly it was ChampMan and so there is a lot of new content for me!

I can’t find it on epic games or steam anymore, presumably unsupported.

anywhere know where I can find a download or how I can play this version?

playing on PC.

FM20 should still exist on Epic Games store, where you got it from. Simply login to your account on the Epic Games launcher and you should be able to find / install the game.
Thanks Stam!

I was looking in the store, couldn't see it and assumed it had gone.

I've re-downloaded the game launcher and can see it there now, thanks for the tip.
This trick always works for me too. I'm happy that everything is good now on your side.

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