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Football Manager 2025

Update on progress required
Started on 10 January 2025 by Geraldproctor
Latest Reply on 17 January 2025 by Geraldproctor
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS1858
All seems to have been quiet as to how they are progressing with FM 2025. I'm not really looking for a release date, but it would be nice to know how they are progressing and if they are still on their schedule. Who/How can we ask for this?
I agree , this silence it could means two things or they are working hard to fix the game or they are going for further delay.
SI hinted that the first bunch of feature reveals should be expected towards late January. It was part of their October 10th announcement.
I'll quote the relevant bit below.
We can confirm Advanced Access will be available ahead of the new release date and, when we are confident on how long that period will be, we will update you at the first opportunity. The new gameplay reveal will also now move to the end of January 2025.
I'm holding my breath !

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