# Evo :
Just a couple of little faults from me, no major issues.
1. On genies player report the description "fast striker" doesn't show up as a description. For example "Genie thinks player plays best as a . However player can occasionally play as a target striker"
2. On the club information screen the rating for facilities does not change when facilities have been upgraded. For example my club have upgraded to "state of the art youth facilities" in-game but genie scout still reports them as "average youth facilities".
The 2. point was already reported by me in the last version.
In this year version there was a few new things added. The first one was the Youth Recruitment System, that isn't on the FMScout. The bug you are experience is that the value in the youth facilities loaded by the Scout is in fact the Youth Recruitment value (that's why there's no change in it) One other thing that changed is the Academy, now it's a value from 0-20 and not a simple yes or no.
PS: If you want to confirm the values i suggest using FMRTE.