I started a game with Burnley and won the championship as well as getting to the FA cup final which meant I qualified for europe. Started off really well in the top division and got my team to the first knockout round of the Euro Cup but everything went down hill and no matter what I did my team could not win, I had enough so resigned, I am now manager of Werder Bremen and the same is happening, just nothing going right, loads of injuries just happening to me unluckily. Is there anything I can do? I am desperate
Motivation help while going down hill
What can I do to bounce back from a losing streak?
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keep working your ass off until you win! I have a firm policy to never ever resign due to poor preformance, only if I feel I've achived all I can/want with the club... anybody can be the coach of a team on easy-streak, it's when the hard times comes knocking you really get the challange
it's so frustrating! lol
Stick at it and maybe fiddle with your tactics a little, you may just be on an unlucky streak and things will turn around for you, give it some time and stick at it. That's what I would do.
Talk to all your players. Tell them they are playing bad if you have good reasoning. I find morale goes up as long as they agree with you on stuff like that and morale is probably the only reason I win games on FM, cos' it's not as if I have any decent tactics

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