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Training Intensity

Started on 18 September 2011 by Tante
Latest Reply on 26 September 2011 by Tante
  • POSTS3
  • VIEWS12304
So I create my own training based on my strategy. My question is how many ticks does it need to maintain certain attributes? Take note, MAINTAIN. For example, I don't want my forwards to use up their PA with tackling, marking etc., so I set their defending training to a minimum. The problem is, their defending attributes plummet. So simply put, I don't want to increase my forwards defending attributes, but I don't want them to decrease either.
i have found the same problem, but in my case it's not really a problem. as they increase in other areas. ive had some attacking players loose 1-2 stats when it comes to defending but increased in attacking areas and it has helped them become slightly better.

i find that if ur looking for maintaining u cant put a player on a schedule which is directed to 1 type of training. so u need balanced training schedules for all ur players.

a bit like the original training schedule which trains them in nearly every category equally.

but i do think they shouldnt be dropping too much, because in real life my attacking players wouldnt just be training on attacking stuff. obviously that would be the main thing, but the whole team trains on everything. so if a player already has a certain stat it shouldnt drop.BUT i think it should drop if they arent making it work in the matches.
for an example if a player has 7 in tackling and in the matches his tackling has been awful then i think it should drop. so it shouldnt all be dependent on training.(just a thought)
I guess your right. It's not really a problem because they increase dramatically in attributes their position require. I'll try your suggestion and not focus on one training to maintain the important attributes. Thanks!

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