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Easy transfer glitch FM12Demo

Started on 10 October 2011 by kay6103
Latest Reply on 20 February 2013 by Blue
  • POSTS24
  • VIEWS62662
I'm sorry, whats the point on spending 30 quid on a game and then cheating you way through it??

I have been inactive on this forum because I think some people reckon they invented the game...

But this guy is either an idiot or he is 10 years old.... I am 24 and I literally did this when I was 12 maybe 13 because I didn't really have a clue what or how to do anything.

Its neither a cheat or a's nothing, nothing at all.

If that's how he wants to play then fair play to him, he has some bargains ;)

But I pretty much think that everyone else on this forum plays it the correct way.

Freddy Adu good on this version?
# Jsroma : I have been inactive on this forum because I think some people reckon they invented the game...

But this guy is either an idiot or he is 10 years old.... I am 24 and I literally did this when I was 12 maybe 13 because I didn't really have a clue what or how to do anything.

Its neither a cheat or a's nothing, nothing at all.

If that's how he wants to play then fair play to him, he has some bargains ;)

But I pretty much think that everyone else on this forum plays it the correct way.

Freddy Adu good on this version?

24 years old and childish enough to call other people ' idiot ' on a public forum ..
that's how mature you are :)

nevermind, i won't drop myself to your level

i enjoy playing it like that, that's my personal measure, not yours
# kay6103 : 24 years old and childish enough to call other people ' idiot ' on a public forum ..
that's how mature you are :)

nevermind, i won't drop myself to your level

i enjoy playing it like that, that's my personal measure, not yours

Mine or the collective view of everybody else? Because if you took your eyes of the fact I called you an idiot OR a child you would realise I said its basically up to you how you play the game...

But for longevity people prefer to play as one team to enhance the realism and the feel of the game.

And I would honestly have no problem in calling you an idiot to your face also, or calling you a child indeed if you are one.
from management:try to be more civilised
# kay6103 : u can call it as much as cheating as you like
i am more then sure, that you downloaded fmrte to edit ( or cheat ) fm like many of us ...

if u go to a club, and you get it on with a girl, alcohol plays it's part to make it more fun :)

fm12 with the players you wish to buy is the girl, the glitch is the alcohol that plays its part, and the result is more fun

it's still fm12/the PLAYERS DECISION to join your club, u can't just go and buy cr.ronaldo or messi, because they just will not leave their current club, like in the club, even if alcohol played it's part, THE GIRL DECIDES

so sad, comparing girls with fm players...

kay6103 forever alone
At the end of the day it is a lame cheat as is using fm editor fm does there own squad updates so no need for it see instead why dont you play the game as it was intended pick a team and work within there budget without "cheating" and helping yourself to other clubs players by becoming that teams manager or going another team and buying up all your unwanted players for them to free up wages/transfer fees or editing players to your team that do not play for them or saving your game before every/most games so you get the results you want i cant imagine how unrewarding your games of fm must be.
Also girls/alcohol reference please dont do that again
For starters i always begin with the worst team in the lowest division. I always bougt players for E 0,00 cash and E 60M after they played 50 comp. matches. and sell them at the end of the season. You didnt had to pay nothing to the club u bought the player from and the profit was all yours. But since an update on FM 2011 u cant buy players anymore with a clausule. In rare occasions clubs will accept the offer in 2012. It was a nice glitch/cheat.
2013-02-17 12:28#81300 LJO200 : Seriously, can everyone stop arguing? If he bought the game he can do what he wants. I personally don't like using the add manager feature to buy players for free(even though I used to do it, I dont anymore), but it's his game if he has bought it and it doesn't really affect anyone else.
This is in essence spam. Everyone stopped arguing 13 months ago, and the thread has been lost since. There was no need to drag an old thread out like this. Don't do it again.

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