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What new games are you most looking forward to?

Started on 19 October 2011 by Evo
Latest Reply on 24 October 2011 by paul1576
  • POSTS13
  • VIEWS14508
The next 6 months seems to me like its going to be a joyous period for all gamers with so many highly anticipated titles coming out, I'm wondering my fellow FMScouts, what games are you looking forward to the most and will definitely be getting?

1. Football Manager 2012 - this one doesn't even need mentioning since I own FM05-FM11, The football manager series should be used to cure drug addiction.

2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - I've never been so desperate to play a game as I am to play Skyrim, I spent over 500 hours in its predecessor Oblivion and I don't regret one minute of it. The world looks beautiful and is extremely detailed, gameplay looks fantastic and the level of freedom Skyrim offers is incredible. I'd advise anyone to check out this future GOTY.

3. Mass Effect 3 - Such is my love for the Mass Effect series I bought the books to satisfy my need for more stories from the fascinating universe, the first two games had great gameplay and storylines, Mass Effect 3 promises to be the epic climax.
Well here's my most anticpated games

1/ Battlefield 3 = yes that's right not FM2012, been waiting for battlefield for months

2/ Uncharted 3 = I love these games and uncharted 3 look and sound fanatstic

3/ Mass effect 3 = nuff said this game is just gonna be awesome

the reason fm2012 isnt on here is my nephews always get it for me for crimbo lol
FM12 - obviously

Battlefield 3 - up till now I have bought CoD every year, but I think I am going for Battlefield this year :)

Elder scrolls: Skyrim - I never really played any RPG games, but I have heard some good stories about this and I am really looking forward to trying this!
I keep getting told to try out battlefield but I missed out on the beta on xbox live, I'd usually pick up the new cod but I won't have time for it this year between fm12 and skyrim, the same goes for battlefield.

I've heard great things about uncharted but unfortunately its PS3 exclusive... and I dont have one :(
I'll list games that may have been released already but I still want to buy:

1. Uncharted 3 - Having just played 1 and 2 which I've found in a bargain bundle (17 GBP for both), I'm just left amazed at how awesome this series is

2. NBA 2K12 - It may sound weird, but my favourite sport is basketball, and that is the best basketball game series out there

3. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - I just love this series since I was a teen
# Evo : I keep getting told to try out battlefield but I missed out on the beta on xbox live, I'd usually pick up the new cod but I won't have time for it this year between fm12 and skyrim, the same goes for battlefield.

I've heard great things about uncharted but unfortunately its PS3 exclusive... and I dont have one :(

Honestly Uncharted is worth buying a PS3 for, I brought a Xbox for Forza and mass effect lol
List of games i will be buying between now and January

Fm 12
Fifa 12 already out and is tough as nails
Batman Arkham city
I will be stuck to FM12 and FIFA12 for at least the next six months. Other games wont get a look in!
I'm with Dan here FM12 and FIFA 12 are going to be the only games getting any of my time until FM13 and FIFA 13.

Just lucky that I work offshore and get 28 days at a time to play it solidly when i'm home :))
mass effect 3
nfs the run
tomb raider a survivor is born
batman arkham city
assassins creed revelations

and probably more but i can;t think of anything else now
With the new games release or nearly released I find fifa 11 and fm11 dont have the same impact anymore and I just want to start the new challenge, being an arsenal fan it will be my biggest challenge since the games came out back in the 90's.
Also with the rugby world cup on im in the mood for a rugby game so cant wait to get my hands on jonah lomu rugby
I think now I only look forward to FM2012 but before 4th October I used to look forward for NBA2K12.
I have so many games to play now due to steams brilliant sales and discounts I think i have enough to last ten years!!! but want so many more but me pc needs a new motherboard/ processer yet - just upgraded the graphics!!

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