Clarifying the title, my trainers tell that " X feels that Y's progress has stalled due to needing more match experience". But the fact is i give'em enough time at premier league and champion's league. at march the least played one has played 17 matches and scored 15 goals in total, and they are also playing for reserve team. I really like to see my young talents grow. But the trainers reports makes me uncomfortable. So do i need to use them more, cause i'm using them as much as possible, I even use them in big games like Manchester United or Chelsea (btw i'm managing Arsenal)
Youth Development / Trainer Reports
- VIEWS44866
Don't worry about it, the reports aren't always accurate, in my experience 15 games in a season is more than enough maintain a youngsters progress, just make sure he's never lacking match fitness.
still having the same issue, not exactly but feels same. i started a new game with napoli, i'm at second season and got pretty good youngsters along with some decent regens. 5 of them is over 178 pa so i decided to sell my older players in order to give them time, because the team does great with my tactics. i bought vaclav kadlec and leandro both have 180 pa and good personalities to develop into a world class player. the problem is they both played 26+ matches last year and in my starting line up this year, i'm half way into my second season, and their attributes doesn't increasing as i expected. i have a regen too he is improving significantly since i bought him at the start of first season. so problem is i can't figure out what's going on with those two.
Just keep going with it, sometimes their attributes won't increase for 6 or even up to 12 months, then all of a sudden lots attribute will increase in a 1 month period.
What training schedules do you use for those two? How many stars do the coaches have? I'm a youth development fan and I want to follow where this post is going.

coaches are great, to be exact fitness coaches 5 stars tactic, ball control and attacking is 4 stars, shooting and defending 4,5 stars. i'm using default schedules but made schedule for my backs and defensive midfielders. do you think it's about schedules i can use the one you recommend.
Default training schedules won't work that well if you want to develop players. I suggest you make a specific schedule for your club. Or if you want, you can download training schedules (there are lots of them in the internet). But personally, I like creating schedules so that players develop attributes that fit my tactic. >> this is a good read. Look for the topic "Long term training". >> this is a good read. Look for the topic "Long term training".

downloaded some good schedules, i'll let you know if they improve or not. by the way i got some good staff too the least star is 4,5 right now. catch you later i have to keep pressing space

update: players started to develop, but not as fast as i expected still good after no improvement in 1,5 year. kadlec improves himself slowly. had a 21 years old defender with 180pa he is now 23 years old and has not even a single sign of improvement. i guess i'll have to sell him at 25

some players develop later in their careers, so dont lose patience. but iv found that the most important factors in youth development is their training schedules. you must have a different training schedule for each position and in some cases even for specific players. the reason for this is for example andy carrol no matter how much you try and make him faster it wont happen whereas it would be better to train him on physical so his strength and heading will increase. but with a player like neymar dont bother with strength u just want speed and dribbling so he can develop into a world class poacher. also coaches are important minimum 4.5 stars to reach full potential...
Lads how do you know their PA while in game?? please answer
no offence, and everybody to their own but doesnt that make the game too easy
using programs such as frmte is the only way to know the PA of a player. in the game you just have to rely on the scout's opinion...and that is not always the right one
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